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It took Elijah and Niklaus at least an hour to walk back to town, and by the time they reached the town square, dawn had already broken. "Mother!" Nik called, both he and Elijah holding Henrik's and your body in their arms.

Esther soon came out to the group. She gasped at the sight of her youngest son, and she quickly ran over to him. "Henrik, no. No! What happened?" she asked as Nik laid him down, and she stroked her son's face. "The wolves. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," he responded, breaking down and sobbing.

"We must save him," Esther stated as she looked at a friend of hers, the witch, Ayana. "Please, there must be a way," Esther pleaded to her. "The spirits will not give us a way, Esther. Your boy is gone," Ayana replied. "No. No!" Esther responded, falling over her dead son's body, crying. Rebekah and Finn soon came out.

Rebekah immediately comforted Nik, knowing how much Henrik meant to him. Finn, however, came over to Elijah and said, "Hurry, Elijah, bring her inside. It might not be too late for her." Elijah nodded his head, following his older brother's instructions.

Finn then looked at Esther and told her, "Please mother, help Y/N. We have already lost a brother, do not make us lose a friend too." Esther looked up with tears in her eyes at Finn, and then back at Henrik. Knowing what was right, she stood up and walked inside the house, with Finn, Nik, and Rebekah following.

Elijah lied you on the floor in one of the back rooms, and hearing the commotion, Kol soon came into the room. He gasped as he asked, "Elijah? What happened?" Elijah couldn't respond, all he could do was let the tears fall from his eyes as he held your hand, praying that you would be alright.

Esther came and sat down next to your body as well. She rested her hands over your wounds on your stomach and called upon the spirits to help you.

"Please, spirits, listen to me. This girl does not deserve to die. Please, let me heal her," Esther prayed. After a moment, your wounds began to heal, and everyone felt relieved as Esther gave a small smile, and so did Finn.

But, then, it stopped. "No! Do not abandon me, please!" Esther pleaded. There was a soft whisper that no one could make out except for Esther, and then everything was silent. Esther looked up at her children with tears in her eyes as she said, "I'm sorry, they will not let me heal her."

"What? Why?!" Elijah asked. "Because I created you, my children. By making you immortal I betrayed nature and therefore betrayed the spirits. They will no longer give me power. I'm sorry," Esther explained before getting up and walking out of the room. "We can't just let her die," Rebekah stated. "We won't. There has to be another way," Klaus replied.

"I can't believe the spirits will not help mother. We may be monsters, but Y/N is not," Kol responded. Then, Elijah got an idea. He looked at his siblings with a small smile and stated, "I know how to save her." "How?" Rebekah asked. "We have to turn her," Elijah answered. "Into one of us? An abomination? Elijah, we can't, it's bad enough that we exist," Finn responded.

"Well, it's either that or we let her die," Elijah replied. "Finn, Elijah is right. We must save Y/N no matter the price," Niklaus told him. Finn let out a small sigh and then told Elijah, "Fine, brother, turn her." Elijah nodded his head and then looked at you. He bit his wrist and fed you the blood, and then he waited for you to die from your werewolf wounds, because he knew that they wouldn't heal from his blood, and none of the Mikaelsons could bring themselves to killing you.

You had finally succumbed to your wounds after about another twenty minutes. A few hours later, you opened your eyes and gasped loudly, trying to take in as much oxygen as you could. There was no else in the room, except Elijah, who was sitting next to you and you asked, "Elijah? What happened? I thought I was going to die."

Elijah looked at you, and unsure how you would take the news, he held your hand and told you, "Y/N, please forgive me. You were dying, and I couldn't lose you." You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion and asked, "What are you talking about Elijah? What did you do?" "The spirits wouldn't help mother heal you, so I turned you into one of us," Elijah replied quietly.

"What? So, you are saying that I am now an immortal one like you who feeds on the blood of others?" you questioned, more to yourself. "Yes," Elijah replied. He was looking so guilty as if he had done you a terrible injustice. You didn't want to be immortal like them, but you couldn't be mad at Elijah for it, all he had done was save your life.

You cupped his face and said, "Thank you, Elijah." "Y/N, why are you thanking me? You should be yelling at me. My own selfishness made me turn you into a monster," Elijah responded. "Elijah, you saved my life, and it's not what you are that makes you a monster, it's what you do. And, as long as I don't kill anyone, then I will be fine," you told him.

He gave you a small smile, and then Niklaus came into the room. "Decided to join the land of the living, did we?" he joked. "Well, I wouldn't know since I am not living anymore," you responded. Nik smirked and you asked, "Where is everyone else?" "Kol and Finn went to go find food, and Rebekah went with Mother," Niklaus responded.

"And Henrik?" you asked. Nik and Elijah both got a very sad expression on their faces and Nik asked, "Y/N, you remember how we were attacked by the wolves?" You nodded your head and he continued, "Well, Henrik didn't survive the attack."

You felt tears stream down your face as you whispered, "No." Elijah gave you a comforting hug. "Wait, but I don't understand, Esther's curse. It should have saved him," you stated, looking at the brothers in confusion. "It doesn't work against werewolf bites apparently. Everything in nature has a weakness, ours is the wolves," Nikakus explained.

All of a sudden, you heard the door to the small cottage open and slam shut. "Where are you, you insolent boys!" Mikael's voice sounded throughout the house.

You all shared a look before Mikael angrily stomped into the room you all were in. "You turned her?!" he asked. "I'm sorry Father, she was dying," Elijah replied. Mikael started walking towards Elijah, but Nik stood in his way,  and Mikael chuckled lowly.

He then pushed Nik into the wall, and grabbed Elijah by his arm, pulling him up off the ground. "How foolish are you? We are all abominations and you dare create more creatures like us? I thought I raised you better than that Elijah, but I was wrong. You and Niklaus will never amount to anything because you act on impulse," Mikael spat at Elijah.

You stood up off the ground and said, "Mikael, that is enough. I may not be a part of your family, but I know when you have crossed a line. Elijah and Nik saved a life, my life, and any other Father would be proud of their sons for that, but instead, you tell yours that they are worthless. Leave them alone."

Mikael looked at you and let go of Elijah, walking towards you, slowly, but Elijah and Nik quickly stood in front of you. Mikael gave you a sly smile and stated, "You want to defend my children, fine, but do not think you know what you are talking about, because you too are just a foolish child, my dear Y/N."

He then walked out of the house, and Nik laughed. "What's so funny?' you asked. "You! I cannot believe you stood up to our father like that, it was incredible!" Nik replied. You chuckled too and Elijah told you, "Y/N, in order to live, you must complete the transition by feeding on human blood."

You looked into Elijah's eyes for a moment before nodding your head and saying, "Just don't let me kill anyone." "Never," Elijah promised. You gave him a small smile, and then he and Niklaus led you out to the woods. Elijah stayed with you while Niklaus led a beautiful woman out to you.

Nik bit her wrist and offered it to you, and you looked at Elijah as if asking if it was okay. Elijah nodded his head and intertwined his fingers with yours. You then used your other hand to take the girl's wrist and held it up to your mouth.

You hesitated for only a moment, before starting to drink her blood, immediately feeling the transformation begin. After a moment, Elijah squeezed your hand lightly, telling you that you had enough. You were craving more, but knew you had to stop, so, reluctantly, you let go of the girl's wrist, and Niklaus fed her some of his blood, healing her wound before compelling her to forget all about what had just happened.

You looked at Nik and Elijah and said, "Thank you, both of you, for everything you've done for me." Nik smiled at you and replied, "You are like a sister, and I would do anything for my family." You smiled back and hugged him, and Elijah didn't say anything, though he was dying to, he just held his tongue and smiled at you, and you suggested that you all went home.

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