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After the events of the day before, Elijah had decided that it would be best for him to teach you how to control your thirst for blood. After all, you had to feed somehow, but you couldn't kill another person. So, the next morning you and Elijah agreed to meet on the outskirts of the town in the woods. There, he could hide from his father while also not being afraid to be seen as a vampire by the other townspeople.

You got to the spot you and Elijah had agreed to meet and found him already there. "Looks like someone is enthusiastic," you told him, teasing him for being early. He smiled and said, "I just did not want to let you down again. I still feel extremely sorry for breaking my promise to you and I intend on making it up to you in every way possible."

You laughed and replied, "That sounds fun, but Elijah I have told you once before I do not blame you for what happened. It is in the past, all I care about is that it does not happen in the future." Elijah nodded his head agreeing and then told you, "Well then, let's begin."

Elijah then walked closer to you, and said, "The first thing about learning how to control your thirst is controlling your need for it." Elijah then brought a young woman out from behind a couple of trees.

He only pricked the girl's finger and as the blood started to drop down, it started happening all over again. You heard her heartbeat, and you felt yourself wanting to transform to the more powerful version of you who craved to feed on this girl.

Elijah turned his focus away from the girl and towards you. He cupped your face in his hands and said, "Y/N, you can do this. I am here if you need me. Just tell yourself that you do not need the blood as much as you think that you do." You nodded your head and Elijah dropped his hands as you returned your gaze to the girl.

Her heartbeat only grew louder but, you calmed yourself. You thought about Elijah and what he had just said. You focused intently on the moment that had just passed between you and him, and you realized something.

When Elijah had touched your face so caringly, you felt something different inside of you. You had always loved Elijah in a best friend sort of way, but was it possible that being turned by him made you start to realize other feelings you may have for him?

Thinking about Elijah, you failed to realize that he had cut a rather large gash in the girl's arm. Blood started to pour rather than trickled and the aroma of it filled your senses. You, however, continued to think about these new thoughts you had about Elijah, and as long as you did that you remained calm and in control.

After a few more minutes, Elijah fed the girl blood to heal her before compelling her to forget what had just happened and go home. You smiled at Elijah and said, "Did you see that Elijah? I was in complete control!" "Yes, you were quite incredible," he replied. You laughed and hugged him. You both hugged a little longer than normal and when you pulled away, you and Elijah stared into each other's eyes.

Elijah's Point of View:

It all started yesterday. That was when I realized that I had feelings that went beyond a simple friendship for Y/N. I knew that she only thought of me as a friend, and until yesterday so did I. But, when she needed on me, when she depended on me, that made me want to be a bigger part of her life.

I held her in my arms for almost the whole day, and it was the best feeling that I had felt in a long time about anyone. I told her that I would then meet her today so that I could help her control her thirst for blood, but really it was just an excuse to see her again.

She gladly accepted my invitation, and I quickly grabbed a young woman from the town and made my way to the spot in the woods where I told Y/N to meet me. I was so anxious that I had shown up quite early.

I was so early that I was beginning to think that Y/N was not coming until a little while later, I saw her. She approached me with a beautiful smile and teased me about being early, which I found incredibly adorable. I once again apologized to Y/N for not keeping the promise I had made to her, and she told me that all was forgiven.

I then brought the woman I had taken from the town out from behind the tree I was hiding her behind. I wanted to see if Y/N would detect me or her first. The fact that Y/N only paid attention to me told me that she didn't listen to any heartbeats to get to this spot, her only intention was to find me.

I pricked the young woman's finger with a needle I had stolen from Mother and watched as the blood dripped down her finger. I looked back over at Y/N and saw that she was struggling, so I walked over to her and gently cupped her face in my own hand.

I babbled on about how I was there if she needed me, but the truth of the matter is that I was only concerned about the skin-to-skin contact that was happening at the moment. I could lean in and take the risk, but what if she did not feel the same way that I do about her. Not only would she then reject me, but it would destroy our friendship, then I may have no part in her life at all.

Thinking of the latter option, I hesitantly dropped my hand from her face letting my fingers graze her cheek as I did so. Y/N seemed to be distracted for the time being, so I took the next step in using a knife that Father had given me to cut the girl's arm. Blood poured down the girl's arm, and I thought that Y/N was going to go crazy over her thirst for the blood.

But, I was terribly mistaken. Instead, Y/N just stood there calm as could be as if there was no blood at all. I waited a little while longer to make sure that Y/N was truly in control and when I saw that she was, I fed the girl some of my blood to heal her wounds and then compelled her to go back to town and remember nothing, leaving me and Y/N alone.

When I returned my gaze to Y/N, she looked so happy and proud of herself. "Did you see that, Elijah? I was in complete control?" she told me excitedly. I savored the way my name rolled off her tongue for a moment before replying, "Yes, you were quite incredible."

She then laughed her amazing, contagious laugh, and then she pulled me into a loving hug. My heart skipped a beat (even though it does not technically beat anymore) as I wrapped my arms around her waist. I took in her scent and felt as if I never wanted to let go. It was not until I realized how long we had been hugging that she pulled away.

But, she did not pull away completely. She left her arms around my neck and mine still rested on her waist. She looked into my eyes studying my next move, and I was frozen. I was not sure whether to make my move or not.

After a moment, Y/N just smiled and looked down, pulling her arms from my neck. She tugged her lip in between her teeth and then looked back up at me. "Thank you for helping me today, Elijah. I will see you later," she told me, before walking away. That was when I realized that was the opportune moment to make my move, and I blew it.

Normal Point of View:

You stared into Elijah's eyes for a moment longer, wishing he would lean in and kiss you, letting you know that he felt the same way about you as you did him. You wanted the kiss to happen more than anything. You craved for that kiss to happen.

But, it never did. So, thinking you were making him uncomfortable by keeping your arms around him for so long, you quickly dropped your arms and bit your lip to hide a small blush that was trying to make its way onto your face from slight embarrassment. Elijah did not like you like that. He thought of you as a best friend, like before.

You had thought for a moment that maybe there could be something more between you. You were just like him now, a vampire, and you thought that that fact might make a difference in your relationship with Elijah, but you were wrong.

So, quickly trying to escape the situation, you told him, "Thank you for helping me today, Elijah. I will see you later." You then walked away from him, back to your cottage where you sat thinking about how even though you had wanted more with the man you had once only thought of as your best friend, he never would.

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