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You woke up the next morning and someone was knocking on your door. You groggily got up and opened it to see Elijah there with a cheeky smile on his face that made him look absolutely adorable. "Elijah?" you asked. "Good morning, Y/N! Did I wake you?" he asked, walking into your house even though you hadn't exactly invited him in.

"Yeah, kind of," you replied tiredly. "Oh, I'm sorry, but I had to tell you something," he responded. "Oh? And what would that be?" you asked, just now closing the door. Elijah smiled and opened the door again pointing outside. "It's snowing!" he exclaimed.

You then took notice to the scenery outside and a smile found its way upon your face as you looked at the small white flakes of snow falling from the sky to the ground. It didn't snow very often in your town, so you were rather excited to see it. "It's so beautiful," you told Elijah, and he nodded his head agreeing.

He then looked at you and said, "Now get ready." "For what?" you questioned. "You will see. Just get changed into your warmest clothes, with your boots," Elijah responded. You looked at him skeptically, but then gave a small smile as you left to go get changed.

You dressed in your warmest dress and put on your warmest coat. You then put on your boots as Elijah had requested and styled your hair so that you looked presentable at the least. You came back out of your changing room and into the room Elijah was in and asked, "I have done as you asked. Now, where are we going?"

Elijah just gave you the biggest smile ever and replied, "You'll see." You were slightly annoyed but, seeing Elijah's smile made you smile. You were starting to fall for Elijah, which you knew was only going to end in heartbreak.

Elijah interlaced his fingers with yours, leading you through town. Everyone was outside enjoying the snow, and their heartbeats were pounding loudly in your ears, but you focused on your hand intertwined with Elijah's and you were completely calm as the day before when you had first realized your feelings for him.

Elijah led you out into the woods and to a frozen pond. "What are we doing here?" you asked. "We are going to ice skate," he responded. "What? Elijah do you know how clumsy I am?" you questioned.

Elijah just laughed and stepped onto the ice. He held onto your hand and told you, "I will be here to catch you every time you fall. There is nothing you need to worry about." You looked into his eyes and felt your heart flutter just a little.

You then placed both of your hands in Elijah's and he pulled you onto the ice. You gained your balance and Elijah asked, "Are you ready to start moving?" You gripped onto his hands tighter and nodded your head. "Just do not let me go," you replied. "Never," he responded with a smile.

He then took a step on the ice, gliding yours and his body across it. Elijah pulled you closer to his body to calm your nerves and keep you balanced. The two of you skated like this for a while and it was perfect. Yours and Elijah's bodies fit perfectly together and moved in perfect sync and rhythm.

You honestly were not even trying to learn how to skate. You just enjoyed being guided around by Elijah. You looked up at him studying his features. He was flawless. You were so distracted by him that you lost your footing, and fell.

He tried to catch you, but it was too late, so instead, he decided to take the plunge with you, hoping to break your fall, which he did by quickly spinning you around so that you landed on top of him. You looked into his eyes, and the craving for a kiss came back, but you knew just as before that it would not be fulfilled.

You blushed hard as you realized that you were laying on top of him. You tried to get up, but you just ended up falling back down again, making Elijah laugh at you. You were flustered and frustrated at first but soon started laughing with Elijah.

Creatures Of The Night (Elijah Mikaelson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now