Chapter 3: Kidnapped

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What was that? Another one!? This is really getting on my nerves right now. Phew. Joshua thought.

"Calm down everyone. It's just the senior students playing with firecrackers. " Mr. Berl informed everyone. They're really going to get it right now! When will they ever learn? He thought.

Everybody peered into the windows. Smoke was rising in the field and a small crater laid bare on it. Apparently, the seniors didn't follow the proper procedure of firing the firecracker. They experimented with it, causing a huge explosion. Fortunately, no one got injured in the accident.

Man, I really thought another one happened. Mom would be really proud of me if two accidents happen in one day, I guess. Joshua sighed in relief.

Nothing disturbing happened after that. With his fingers crossed, Joshua went from one class to another while praying. Fortunately, he managed to survive all the classes and the hunt his classmates did to get to know more about the accident. Before he knew it, it was already time to ride home in the school bus. 

After getting in, He was quickly bombarded with questions by the other students riding with him. It was quite a pain and a crowd was gathering around him as time passed. Joshua tried to not mind them by gazing at the window but their loud voices couldn't be compromised. It was like chaos hit Joshua hard on the stomach, or rather, hit him hard on the ears.

Then, suddenly, someone sat next to him. He didn't bother knowing who it was but when he realized that the crowd dispersed because of that someone, he changed his mind.

It was Emma.

"What were you doing awhile ago?" Emma asked him. "I thought you knew how to stop it since I noticed that both of you carry pocket knives with you. Why did you just sit there doing nothing?" 

"What do you mean them? Stop what? I really don't get what you're saying." Joshua said.

"Yeah, me too, I don't get it," Rick said behind them.

"Well, you better not tell anyone about it. I'll tell you everything tomorrow." Emma concluded as she made her way to get off the bus.

The school bus stopped in front of a grand house. Emma got off and bid goodbye to them.

Wait! that's her home?! No wonder she knows something. Judging from her house, her parents might be involved in it in some way. Joshua wondered.

Before Joshua knew it, the school bus arrived at the curb where he was picked up awhile ago. Rick waved at him while he got off. Well at least I found some friends, I guess. They are weird, just like me, but at least. He thought.

He started to head home, he couldn't wait to tell his mom all about it: the earthquake and explosion in school, and about Rick and Emma who happened to experience the same occurrences that he did. I  wonder how my mom would react to it. Joshua wondered as he put his arms behind his head and looked up at the sky. I guess she would feel relieved even just for a little bit since I'm not alone anymore. Moreover, that girl Emma, she seems to know how to stop those accidents from happening, I guess I might be able to stop them once I know what she knows.

The sun was just setting down when he reached their street. The breeze was warmer than usual and the atmosphere was kind of heavy, as if from a graveyard. He looked around the neighborhood, wondering why it was so eerily quiet and ominous at the same time. Do people in our neighborhood sleep this early? And how come there aren't any street lights nor houselights turned on? Something's wrong here. He observed. 

Wondering if this was normal in their neighborhood, Joshua ran straight towards home, intending to ask his mom all about it.

W-w-what happened? Joshua asked, shocked. A disturbing sight lay in front of him. Bits and pieces of their fence have been scattered like refuse on the ground; not to mention few patches and craters on their yard were visible. Joshua sank down as the vivid scene sank deeply in his thoughts. The doorknob hung loosely on their broken door and all the windows were shattered while the interior of their house, seen from outside, was a complete mess. He went inside, trying to take in everything he saw. Mom! Where's the mom?

"Mom? Are you here? Mom? Where are you?!" Joshua shouted as he scaled the house from the first to the second floor.

He went around the house, looking at every nook and cranny. But still, he couldn't find any signs of his mom. It can't be! This isn't happening! He told himself.


He went to his mom's room after hearing her phone ring. This must be connected to this. The one who is calling might be the kidnapper! In any case, I should answer this call. This might lead me to mom if the person calling actually kidnapped her. He reasoned out.

He grabbed the phone. "Hello? Who's this?"

"Hello, Joshua! This is me, Emma speaking! You gotta get out of there right now! They're after you too! Just get outta there!" Emma responded.

"Wha...ha...How did you know about this?! Are you the one who kidnapped my mom?! Where is she?!" Joshua blurted.

"Calm down, I'm not the one who kidnapped your mom." Emma defended herself. "Look, you have to get out of there right now, otherwise you'll get kidnapped too. I gotta hang up now, I still gotta call Rick."

"Wait?!" Joshua cried pleadingly. "If you weren't the one who kidnapped my mom, how did you know about this?! How are you involved in this?!"

"Trust me, we're not the only ones involved  here, I mean, not just me, Rick is too! I don't have time explaining everything in the phone. Our parents were kidnapped. Right now, you should get out of your place...You know what, just go to my place and I'll explain to you and Rick everything." Emma said as he hung up the phone.

"Wa...wa...wait Emma?! hello? Hello?!"

Joshua locked the phone and put it in his pocket. He didn't know what to do. He paced around the room, trying to reason out. Well, if Emma was right, then. I guess I need to get out of here right now. But if I don't get out, then, I might find who the kidnappers are, then report it to the authorities. But, will they believe me without the proper evidence? I cannot risk going to Emma's place since she might be the one who kidnapped my mom and she's probably bluffing on the phone.

But what do they want with mom anyway?

Joshua wracked his brains as he paced to and fro inside his room on the second floor. Even though it was almost nighttime, the cold didn't even bother him. In any case, should get out of here. I can't risk being kidnapped. There'd be no way I'll be able to save my mom if I get kidnapped myself. He concluded as he bolted towards the main door and reached for it.

Out of impulse, Joshua sprang backward as indistinct voices were heard from the outside. Joshua peered through a crack on their beaten-down door. He could barely see four visible forms, walking toward their house.

Oh great, now it's almost over. But not yet if I can help it. Joshua smiled at himself as he retreated to get his bike displayed in the living room. He carried it all the way to his room and open the window. It's almost nighttime, guess I should wait for them to go inside. That's my only chance. Hope I could pull this off. Joshua thought as he erased the thought of being killed in the process of what he's about to do.

A cold breeze swept to his room. This is my first time doing this. If it comes to worst, well, good thing dad taught me how to use the pocket knife. He thought.

He closed his eyes and listened. He could hear muffled voices and a loud banging coming from downstairs. Any moment now. He said to himself


The moment the door was slammed open, Joshua mounted on his bike. Here goes. He said as he began pedaling. When he reached the window, he quickly raised his bike and jumped. Everything was all in a blur.

He landed on the BMW that the kidnappers used, breaking all the windows and denting the upper part of it.

A cold breeze whizzed past him. He heard indistinct shouts and clamor from behind. Still, he pedaled harder, towards Emma's house. I can't trust anyone right now, but I gotta take this chance to escape. In no time, he reached the curb where he was dropped off awhile ago. They're probably mounting the car now. Well, there's no turning back for me, I guess. I just hope mom's alright. I'm coming mom. He told himself.

" Hey, Joshua!" Someone screamed.

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