Author's Note

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Dear readers,

Apparently, I will be going somewhere important and won't be able to update my books in the process. From May 14- 28 2017, I won't be able to visit my wattpad account. I'm really sorry for leaving you hanging like this, but I'll try to make it up to all of you. For this week, I have released two more chapters for my book, The Shadow Manipulator for all of you, my dear readers.^^

Please feel free to give me a private message anytime you want or if you have any questions. Feel free to comment and upvote as well if you like my stories.^^

If you have any suggestions and thoughts about my book, please feel free to comment here, on this section, as well.^^

After two weeks, I'll be going back to my schedule: Releasing one chapter per week for three of my books since the fourth one is already completed.

Thanks for all the support everyone^^



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