Someone Kind; Jay's(Jayfeather) POV

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Hi, my awesome readers! I am so happy that you are still reading! I will start with many different POVs telling a story of their own. This is Jay's POV. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

I have this feeling that Dove isn't telling me and Liam something. She's been distracted ever since the first day. I've asked her what's wrong, but that doesn't go so well. Sigh. I'm not exactly the most compassionate person in existence. But how do you expect me too? You would be just like me if you take care of everyone in the school, and practically no one thanks you.

I go to a school where I am not only working as a "man nurse", but also as a student. It's tough. One day I found that there was a field trip with a few different schools to Washington DC. I was not that excited. Last time I was named "blind guy" by some dude from Ancient World Prep. Well, this "blind guy" can kick butt!

As I entered the bus, the school nurse/my mentor/ my mom sat down beside me on the bus. Sometimes I wish I could be treated like a normal kid. But no. I told her I was gonna sit at the back of the bus. Thankfully, no one sat next to me. No one had the nerve. Kids from AWP (Ancient World Prep), MRA(Mountain Region Acadamy), and WU(Warrior University) stood clear in my direction. Expect then a girl asked if this seat was free. "What are you doing, Hope (Halfmoon)?" asked a girl with dark layered brown hair. "He's blind, remember? And super grumpy! That's what that boy in the front said!" Definitely Finn(Flametail), I thought. He's always hostile to me. "He can hear you, you know Olive!" reminded Hope.

"Darn right, I can!" I muttered. People these days. Just cause I'm blind doesn't mean I'm deaf! "Excuse me?" she asked. "Can I sit here?" "Fine." I muttered." Olive rolled her eyes as if to say, If you don't like sitting there, I'll be saying, I told you so. Hope smiled at me, and went on to talk, talk, and talk. She surprisingly made me feel comfortable. Nobody except my family was able to do that.

After the bus ride, we exchanged emails. This surprised me because I didn't exchange emails with practically ANYBODY. My brother, Liam says I need to get out a bit more. Yeah right. I would if I was the captain of the basketball team, a star athlete, Mr.Popularity, good with all the girls, easy suck-up, and everything fabulous you can imagine. All I am is an all A honor roll student. The ONE thing my brother isn't good at. The only people it impresses are grown-ups or kids who can't believe someone blind is so smart.


Hope's POV

I'd just met the guy but already liked him. Even though he was blind. Does that really matter? I bet he was as smart as non-blind kids, just as nice (deep down), and just as fun to be around. He had dark hair, almost gray. Blue clear eyes, it was hard to believe he couldn't see. And boy, could he smile. Oh, he didn't smile that much. But when we talked I felt like I had known him for years. Cracked jokes about his siblings, smirked about mean kids, and laughed like he had laughed every day in his life.

My friends didn't understand why I liked him. "Hope, you have practically every boy in school courting you, and you choose the least likely guy, where only 1/4 of people like him?" asked my BFF, Olive. But they didn't understand. There was something special about him, something that gave him sugar and spice.

Hope's iPhone

HopeInAllThings- Hey, Jay! Whaddup? :-)

Jay'sWing- The ceiling ;-)

HopeInAllThings- Haha very fnny :P

Jay'sWing- Why do u hang out with me? I mean, most peeps don't even try

HopeInAllThings- Because yr fun to hang out with! Duh! :D

Jay'sWing- Ok. Just makin' sure. My brother says yr way different cause ya know u hang out with me.

HopeInAllThings- I take that as a compliment! :)

Jay'sWing- Course ya do:-D

Jay'sWing- Anyways, on a totally random moment, do u want to come over tmmrw????

HopInAllThings- Yeah!! :D But why????

Jay'sWing- 1. Cause I want to, 2. Cause my bro wants to meet this "shocking" girl that actually talks with me

HopeInAllThings- Wait, wat time?

Jay'sWing- After skool at 4:45

HopeInAllThings- Koolbeans! See u there!

Jay'sWing- Okay! :D

Squeal! I couldn't believe it! I was really excited to hang out with Jay!! Right now I'm doing my happy dance!!!!

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