Messed Up; Dove's POV

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I bet you're wondering why I put that pic of Dove X Bumble! Read this to find out!!!!!!!

I can't believe my sister........Or my BFF. In my opinion both of them deserve their punishment. I always knew that Moth was going to show her true colors. I just can't believe that she did it to her brother. My world was falling apart. Looking at it, I couldn't help feel suspicious. Tom had been spending a lot of time with Sally, I wasn't even sure if he liked me anymore.

I needed a break from Tom and his drama. Meanwhile, Professor Dust had decided that I was "behind" in my studies. No matter how much charm I put on my face, it didn't work. "Dove, you are fairly behind in your studies. Therefore, I have asked Buddy Thomas(Bumblestripe) to tutor you." I gaped at him. Buddy Thomas? The nerdiest, geekiest boy in the school? He has got to be kidding, I thought. "No, I am not kidding, Dove," Professor Dust said, as if reading my mind, with faint amusement. "Your first tutoring session will be at Buddy's house, today at 5:45. So you better hurry."

He handed me a sheet of paper, while my mouth was still open from shock. My friend Fern ran up to me. "Are you okay, Dove? You look like someone kicked you in the stomach!" exclaimed Fern. "I'm working with Buddy Thomas. He's my tutor." Fern looked at me funny. "It's unlike you to be stereotypical." I suddenly just realized what I just said.

"Omigosh, Fern, sorry. I don't get what's wrong with me!" I exclaimed. Was I gonna turn into a mean girl? Fern smiled at me reassuringly. "It's okay. You're under a lot of stress and pain. I'm sure you'll get better." Would I? I thought. I shook that out of my mind, forcing myself to smile. "Yeah, I sure hope so!" Who was I kidding? I was an emotional wreck.

After I got home, I decided to find something different to wear. Don't judge me, okay?!

I drove down to a nice apartment building, Hello Apartments

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I drove down to a nice apartment building, Hello Apartments. After what seemed like forever, I finally made it to his apartment. A pretty lady with brown hair and gray highlights answered the door. "Hello! You must be Dove! I'm Buddy's mom, Mrs.Thomas! You can call me Millie! Buddy's in the living room!" I smiled. Their house was really nice, comfortable, without being to cluttered. A girl with wavy, light brown hair and bright green eyes was sitting in a wheelchair.

She looked familiar, but I couldn't remember where I saw her. She smiled at me. "Hi! I'm Briar. You must be Dove! I actually go to your school! You probably don't remember me. Most people don't," she smiled sadly. I suddenly realized that was always caught up in my own problems. I never actually thought about everyone else's.

Buddy entered, saving me from this awkward conversation. He waved at me. "Hey Dove," he said smiling. Now that I think about, everyone in their family smiled at each other. They were really different from mine. My parents were always arguing, it got worse after my dad rejoined his old gang, The Dark Stars. Ivy and I had always prayed that a divorce never came up.

Buddy was holding three chemistry textbooks and a number of worksheets. I rolled my eyes. This was going to be a long day. But even though I didn't want to admit it, Buddy was great. He was always complimenting me and was so nice. He was the perfect break from Tom. But I truly liked Buddy. Right?


Briar's POV

I watched my brother from the kitchen, silently eavesdropping. I didn't really like the way Dove was approaching Buddy. Sure, she was nice, but there was something in my head saying that she was going to break his heart sooner or later. Plus, isn't she the girl who's dating Tom from the Shadow Campus? I was the one who watched them on their first date.

It's kinda crazy that I know so much about the other kids in school, I know at least three things about each one. Let me just say one thing. Drama is circled around Dove. I didn't want my brother to be part of this. But what could I do?

After Dove left I could tell my brother liked her. How?Trust me, if you saw his lovestruck face, you would know too. I rolled my eyes. My brother was going to learn the hard way that love is no picnic.

Tysm for reading this story! And can't even describe how amazing it is💗

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Tysm for reading this story! And can't even describe how amazing it is💗

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