Excuse Me?!; Moth's POV

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I gaped at my brother. "Did I hear you right?" I asked, though the answer was crystal clear. He nodded. Ugh. Let's just say that I never really liked Ivy. She gave off this popular vibe, like when you were talking to her, she normally seemed bored and uninterested. Well, unless it had to do with kitties, fashion, and herself.

Everybody is saying that Ivy should be redeemed.Okay, sure. My mom always says that you should give everyone a chance. But she was the one who found love with a wanted fugitive. It doesn't help that Ivy bullied me in second grade. And third. And fourth. "Why?" I asked Hawk. He smiled happily. "She's just so......." "Evil?" I suggested. He glared at me. "No! Amazing!"

/Flashback in Third Grade/

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/Flashback in Third Grade/

Ivy had been popular the moment she sent foot in Kindergarten. Third Grade was no exception. She had a squad of girls that adored her. She was followed everyday, all day. I was different. I didn't make many friends until fifth grade. Dove and I were good friends. But I was in a different class then her. It just so happened that Ivy was in my class.

"Look at Mothy the Baby! Building sandcastles? What are we, kindergarteners?" Laughter erupted from behind me. My face burned red in embarrassment. It had always been hard to stand up for myself, especially since Hawk wasn't in the same class as me. "Well, um," I said, with no success in defending myself.

"She can't even defend herself!" exclaimed Holly. More laughter came. Now my face looked like a tomato. "C'mon, guys, stop!" said a voice. Everyone turned around. It was Cindy. Aka, the nicest popular girl ever. "Whatever," muttered Ivy, but went to do something else. Cindy smiled at me, coming over to help me with my sandcastle.

I learned a valuable lesson that day. True friends are easy to identify with a childhood like mine.

*-*Present Time*-*

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*-*Present Time*-*

Hawk's POV

"Look, I know you and Ivy have your differences, but can't you try to work them out?" I asked. Moth glared at me. "We've had differences since the DAWN OF TIME!!!!!!!" She exclaimed. "Well.........." Then I threw the ultimate puppy dog eyes. "Ugh, fine! But I'm not gonna promise anything," she said. "That's all I ask!" I exclaimed. But would they like each other?

It was time for lunch. Aka the day where Moth and Ivy sat at the same table with me and Dove. Yes, Dove came. Moth was all like, "I ain't going if Dove ain't going!" So after a thousand promises to Dove, I finally got Dove to sit with us. The tensions were high. Like sky high. Moth and Ivy were sending each other glares as hard as stone. Add Dove to the mixture? You've got a recipe for disaster.

Moth tried to make conversation. Good ol' Moth. "So Ivy, how's your ahem, love life?" Nevermind. Moth was just adding the tension. Moth knew that Ivy's love life wasn't exactly working. Ivy narrowed her eyes. Then, things exploded..........

"I HATE YOU!" exclaimed Ivy, making everyone's heads turn. But she didn't care. "You don't know what it's like to suffer! What it's like to know that everyone's against you!" Moth's eyebrows rose. Calmly she said, "And you're saying that. Don't you remember all those years where you socially outcasted me? Where everyone but you're much better sister turn against me? Ivy, you deserve this. But you certainly don't deserve my brother."

Cue to where food fight comes in.

Why did this happen to me? I didn't deserve this. My sister and crush were against each other. But nobody noticed me. For the first time in my life, I felt crushed. Literally and figuratively.


Ivy's POV

I can't believe Moth. Yes, I haven't exactly been "nice" to her, but the past is past, right? Nope. Not to her. She is the reason that we are having a food fight. Finally, we were face to face. I twisted her arm. "Moth, I've hated you since the beginning. You've ruined everything in my life!!"

Moth glared at me. "Of course, you think of yourself. Do you have any idea how social isolation feels like? Wait, you don't, cause you're too caught up in yourself!" "SHUT UP!" I yelled. Finally,a voice rose among the fighting. "What is going on here?!" exclaimed a voice. All the kids scattered. It was Principal Fire and Principal Misty.

"Recklessness. Endangerment of your fellow students. And this is not how we at Thunder Campus do this," scolded Principal Fire at me. I felt so embarrassed. Moth seemed to be enjoying this. However Hawk wasn't. I mouthed, I'm sorry. He nodded. It was Principal Misty's turn to scold them. "Moth, I did not expect this from you. I am disappointed in both of you." Principal Fire nodded. "Give us a moment to discuss your punishment."

They retreated back in hushed whispers. "I'm sorry, Hawk. Really." I said to Hawk. He nodded, but didn't say anything. All three of us sat in awkward silence. Finally, Principal Fire and Misty came to us. "We have decided your punishment," said Principal Misty. "You and Moth will be sent along with a couple of other students to make peace with the other neighboring schools. However, that might be too easy. Therefore, whenever you have spare time you act as janitors. We shall be monitoring you, to make sure you actually do the jobs. Hawk, you are let off easy. This time."

So what do you think of this chapter? Took me a while, but I did it!💜

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