Chapter 1

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Violet's POV;

I was currently zoned out, while I was sitting in my room with my best friend, not listening to a word he was saying.

"Violet!" Shawn's snaps a finger in my face, causing me to jump, and my attention to turn to him.

"What, mendes?" I say, really annoyed. "Let me guess. You didn't hear a word I just said, huh?" I shake my head meaning no.

"I said let's go do something. Its Friday, and you don't do anything but binge watch shows on Netflix." He says, causing me to laugh, mostly because it was true.

"I don't know Shawn, I've never really been to a party, I mean, we're only 17." I say with a nervous hint in my voice.

"Exactly, we're about to turn 18." He smiles, making me scoff. "Stop being a happy Heather." I say, because he knows he has convinced me.

"You quit being a Debby downer." He says while repeatedly poking my shoulder. I slap his hand away.

"I'll pick you up at 7, okay bestie?" Shawn asks, fluffing his imaginary weave, pretending to be a white girl.

"Bye." I shove him out and began to scan through my closet, desperately needing an outfit.

I finally decide on a Navy blue lace crop top, black yoga leggings, and my white converse.

After I straighten my hair, I hear a horn. But not just any horn. The horn that belonged to Shawn's Jeep.

I grab my phone and run downstairs, saying bye to my dad, but he was too concentrated on his work to even notice.

After I shut the door, I hop into Shawn's jeep, and he drives down the road.

Meanwhile, I'm trying to remain calm, Shawn tries to create a conversation.

"So, I see you're nervous?" He asks, already knowing the answer. "No, Mendes. This is my first high school party, and I'm not nervous at all." I say with a lot of sarcasm.

I've always kept my grades up, stayed out of trouble, and never went to parties. But it's senior year, so why not do something stupid for once?

"I love your sarcasm, V." Shawn laughs, looking over at me. When we arrive, he parks the car, and we get out.

As we walk up the side walk, I almost trip over a plastic cup. I look at Shawn and notice he is trying to hold in his laughter.

I slap his shoulder, and he puts his hands up in defense.

Shawn opens the door, and I began to admire the beautiful 3 story house. There were cups everywhere and the scent of weed filled my nose, causing me to cough.

I look over in search of Shawn, but he isn't there anymore. I'm finding my way through the house, when a tall cute brunette bumps into me.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He says, smiling. "Don't be." I flash a toothy grin. I think I was creeping him out, honestly.

"I'm Jack. Jack gilinsky." He reaches for a hand shake, I accept it, looking him in the eyes. "Violet." I say, still holding his hand.

I quickly let go, mentally slapping myself in the head. "Sorry." I say. He laughs it off. "So, tell me more about you." He says.



Jack and I were on the dance floor, just having a good time, when Shawn came up to me.

"Hey! Get off my girlfriend!" He shooves Jack back. "Shawn! Get away from him!" I push Shawn back and help jack up.

"Oh. Sorry, I didn't know. You guys have fun, I gotta go." Jack says. I look over at Shawn and he looks drunk.

"I am NOT your girlfriend!" I attempt to walk away, but he grabs my shoulder making me face him. "Oh really?" He smirks.

He jerks my hand and pulls me outside. I didn't know what was going on. I tried my best to break loose but his grip was too tight.

"Let go of me! Shawn, stop!" I yelled, trying to get away. His grip got tighter.

He opens his car door and shoves me in. When he gets in he ties a bandana around my eyes and hands. I was screaming for help, but no one could hear me.

I've known Shawn ever since 5th grade and I never thought that such a sweet guy would do such a horrible thing.

Soon, I felt the car stop, and everything got silent. Shawn was still in here. The only sound was my heavy breathing and him, crying?

"I don't wanna do this." Shawn says, quietly sobbing. I was confused. It seemed like he was confused also.

"But you signed up for it Shawn!" He says talking to himself whilst beating the steering wheel with his knuckles.

His breath became slower, his sobs became quieter, and he opened the door. Once I heard it slam shut, I knew he was out so I tried to get out but I couldn't.

The door to my side opened and a breeze flowed through, making me shiver.

Shawn picks me up and slings me over his shoulder. He walks into a building and walks up the steps.

Finally he walks into a room, and sets me in a chair. The sound of a slamming door erupts, making an echo in the room.

The only sound was water dripping and me quietly sobbing. I know shawn was drunk but I was still scared.

The door opened again, and I felt my arms being untied and the bandana was removed from my eyes.

Suddenly a tall figure was bent down beside of me, looking me in the eyes. It was shawn.

He started to lean in. I didn't move. There has always been a weird feeling between us but nothing like this.

I felt his lips touch mine. I fought the urge to kiss back, but it felt so right. Our lips moved together in sync, and he smiled into the kiss.

Then he pulled apart. "I've been waiting forever to do that." He smiles.

I didn't say a word. I felt a sharp needle stab into my side, making my vision go blurry.

I heard a laugh and then everything went black.


I'm so bad at writing books.

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