Chapter 10

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Shawn's Pov;

"Sir, You are under arrest." His words hit me like a truck. I was shocked, scared, and most of all I was confused.

He puts me into the back seat and gets into the front. I put my head down, wishing I could go back and fix my mistakes.

"Mrs. Mendes, your son is claimed to be somewhat apart of the situation, therefore he has to stay here until we can investigate more." I heard Mr. Clark say, hearing my mother's sobs after.

I never thought in my life I would be sitting behind bars with strangers. It honestly killed me because I had no idea if she was alright or not.

They stated Cameron was gonna be behind bars for a couple years, and if I'm not innocent, I would be too.

Why they would believe him, confuses me. I just wanted out of here,  I wanted to be by her side, knowing everything was okay.

My mother came over near me and her face showed many different emotions. Confusion, anger, sadness, and sympathy.

"Shawn, I didn't raise you to be like this. I don't know what has gotten into you." She says, with dried tears on her face.

I lowered my head, knowing she was telling the truth. I wanted to tell her everything. But nobody would believe me.

She shook her head and started to walk away. "M-mom." I called, my voice cracking. She turns around looks me in the eye.

"I'm sorry." I say, hoping she would understand, and wouldn't just walk away. A single tear rolled down her face before she turned back around, my dad glancing at me then wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"Where are they going?" I mainly whispered to myself, but Mr. Clark heard. "We have a few questions we wanna ask them." He walks out.

I turn around and look at the other two people in here with me. One was a little older than me and the other was atleast in their late thirties. They were honestly starting to creep me out.

And I had absolutely no idea what I was going to do.

"Shawn mendes." I hear my name being called, causing me to look up. "They're ready for the investigation." A guy looking a little older than me says, unlocking the bars with a key.

As I come out, he immediately puts me in hand cuffs once again. He takes me to a room where my mom and dad were waiting, as was an unfamiliar man waiting also.

"Take a seat." He sternly says, and I do as he demands.

"Now, we have a few questions we would like to ask you." He says and I nod, telling him to carry on.

"Did you take any part in this?" He asks, eyes wide, opening his mouth to say more. "Don't lie. If you tell the truth you can get out of this more easily." He says.

"In the beginning, Cameron and I were best friends and we had a group of other friends too. Well, he was always weird around girls, and most were scared to be around him." I paused, taking a breath.

"And one day, I went to his house and he had told me there was a girl in his basement. I thought he just invited her over. But when we went down there, she was tied up and screaming for help."

"Now, do you know this girl's name?" He asked. "Yeah it was Casey Foyer." I say and he looks confused.

"Was?" He asked. At this moment I knew that I could never talk to or see Cameron again without him murdering me.

"Yeah, she was murdered." I tried to remain calm, and I felt the most horrible feeling in the world. Almost like Cameron was standing over my shoulder getting ready to pound my face in.

"Did Cameron murder her?" I stay silent as he questions. I just couldn't get my mouth to move. I was scared.

"I take that as a yes." He says. "Cameron will surely be in jail for life, don't worry. Tell us anything." He says, obviously wanting more information.

"Well, he kept doing it. And when he told the rest of our friends, they abandoned him and before I could, he threatened to hurt me if I left or told anyone." I explain, and it took a lot of guts to tell so many secrets.

I was always a secret keeper, until now of course. "Then, he told me he wanted me to do it. I denied right away, but he then threatened to hurt my family. I couldn't let him do that, so I did it. Violet was my best friend and we were very close, so it was hard. I never harmed her in any severe way and I didn't do anything to  her or anything before you start accusing me." I say looking away from him.

"Shawn, I believe you, but before I can let you go, I have to ask Violet some questions. Therefore, that will be after she recovers which may take up to 2-3 more weeks. You are released. Thank you." He gets up from his chair, and I get out of mine, walking to my parents who were waiting.

My mom had tears in her eyes and my dad seemed as if he couldn't focus. She didn't say a word to me, she just engulfed me in a tight hug.

"I'll see you tomorrow, hun." She kissed my cheek and walked out with my dad and he gave me a small sympathetic smile.

I sighed, and headed back to the room I would be staying in for a while.

Kidnapped (Shawn Mendes)*COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now