Chapter 28

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It had been a few days since the Cameron incident. I found out that he was in jail for at least 20 years.

The cops found out he had Kidnapped other girls in his basement, 3 of them died of starvation. My heart ached, because that could've been me. But I wish I could've helped those girls.

The other girls escaped, and the cops made sure they got home safely. They had been in his basement for at least 6 months.

He's such a cold hearted person.

(A/n: I love Cameron with all of my heart, please remember this is just a fanfic.)

I was currently doing the dishes when Shawn came in. "Hey hun." He said, kissing my forehead and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Hey." I said quietly. He sighed. "I'm so sorry V, I know I should've kept an eye on you. But I wasn't thinking at the time. I never wanted this to happen. I promise I will always protect you and keep you safe." He exclaimed, and smiled.

"Baby, it was never your fault. Don't put the blame on yourself." I told him, and kissed his lips.

"Now, I've got to get to work, and so do you." I said, and he whined. I was a nurse, and Shawn, well he entertains the internet with that beautiful voice of his.

I went upstairs, and got my work clothes on. After I finished, I went to wake Elliot up.

When I found him in his room, he was not asleep. He was playing with his toys and giggling.

"You silly little monster, get ready to go to grammy's." I tickled him, and I picked out his clothes.

"No! I don't like Elmo!" He yelled, seeing the shirt that I picked out for him.

I put that one back, and got a dinosaur shirt. His eyes lit up and he nodded his eye.

Once I left to let him change, Shawn was watching a show on TV. I sat beside of him.

"I need to talk to you." He said blankly. I remained silent, meaning for him to continue.

"Please don't be mad at me. I'm going on tour, I have to if I want this career." He spoke, and he wasn't looking me in the eyes. It's a sign that he's scared.

"Shawn, I love what you do, and I love your fans. If it makes you happy, it makes me happy." His eyes were filled with happiness as soon as I said this.

"Really? I'll be gone for a few months though." He said. I nodded. "I know, Shawn. It's gonna be alright. As long as you call me every day and every night." I told him.

He nodded, and then Elliot came running downstairs. "Hun, be careful." Shawn told him, scared to look at him. "Baby there nothing hold me back." Eli tried his best to sing the song, and he giggled.

He jumped in Shawn's lap, and snuggled up to him. "When are you leaving?" I asked Shawn.

He frowned. "In the next hour or so." He exclaimed, obviously not happy that he had to leave us.

I wanted Shawn to make his fans, friends, and family proud. I knew he would make me proud. I was happy that Shawn would be able to meet his fans, because that makes him happy.

His fans are the sweetest people ever, and he truly deserves their love and attention, just as well as they deserve his.

I was scared to be home without Shawn. Heck, I was scared to be anywhere without Shawn. But he said that he would have his friends check in on me often.

"Elliot, daddy is gonna go preform for the Mendes Army." Shawn said to him. He clapped and squealed. "But I will be away from home for a while." He told him, and Elliot frowned a bit.

"It's okay, daddy! You do what you love!" Elliot assured him. I smiled at the both of them.

"Okay buddy, now I have to get ready to go." Shawn explained. Elliot just smiled. "I love you daddy." Elliot hugged him tightly.

"Mommy tell daddy you love him!" Eli scolded in a joking way, and I laughed.

"Ew! Don't kiss!" Elliot ran into the kitchen, and Shawn grabbed my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He leaned in, and I followed. I sure would miss this. I know he would only be gone for a few months, but I still would miss this for the time he would be gone.

He pulled back, and kissed my forehead. "I'll miss you." I whispered to him. He kissed me again.

"Not as much as I'll miss you, darling." He said, smiling. "We've got to go before we're both late." I chuckled.

He walked upstairs to grab his things, and I went to find Eli. He was sitting at the table, eating some fruit snacks.

"Come on, it's time to go see Grammy." I told him. He jumped in my arms, and I grabbed his bag.

I walked him out to my car, and buckled him in. Shawn came out, and locked the door behind him.

He came up to me, and hugged me tightly. I wanted him to hold me in his embrace forever.

But we don't all get what we want. He kissed me, and got into his jeep. My car was behind his, so I had to leave before him.

I got in my car, and buckled up. I took a deep breath and started my car.

I backed out of the driveway, and headed off to work. I looked in the mirror, and seen Shawn behind me. He smiled and waved. I laughed and turned my attention to the road.

As I finally arrived at my mom's house, I unbuckled myself, and Elliot. We walked inside, and I set his dipper bag down.

I walked into the kitchen, and found my mom cooking something, with my dad sitting at the table reading newspaper.

"Hi sweetie! Hello Eli!" My mother greeted us, and set food on the table.

"Are you staying to eat dear?" She asked me. "I wish I could, I'm almost late for work." I told her, and she frowned.

"Well, I gotta go. Don't let Eli ware you out today!" I told her, and she laughed. "He always does." She smiled.

Eli gave me a hug, and so did my parents. "Bye guys, I love you!" I waved and walked out.

I got into my car, and before I started driving, my phone dinged. I picked it up, and seen a message from Shawn.

Hubby😍🤘: hey cutie, just thought I'd tell you I made it to the airport.

Me: I'm late for work Shawn!

Hubby😍🤘: sorry babe, you better hurry!

Me: I love you

Hubby😍🤘: and i love you

I put my phone down, and started my drive to work.

Kidnapped (Shawn Mendes)*COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now