Run outside to help

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Run outside to help

You can't just sit there while someone could be getting hurt. That wasn't the scream of some teens playing around. That was the blood curdling scream of someone being attacked! You dash downstairs and burst through the front door in nothing but your pyjamas. You run to the middle of the street and look around, but there's no one there.

You begin to realize someone is probably just watching a horror movie or something and you just got out of your comfy bed for no reason. You mentally face palm yourself. What were you thinking? You hear the scream again but you know it's just from a tv show or something. You begin to walk back to your house, feeling sleepy again. But then you see something.

Something seems to be at the side of your house. You stop frozen in fear. You can't tell if it's an animal, a person or just a piece of metal but whatever it is you're scared. But then you hear someone calling your name. It's your neighbour! She was the one who was screaming. Her face is bloody and bruised and she's screaming for you to help her. You begin to run towards her but you hear the thing at the side of your house move.

If you leave, whatever that thing is it could get inside your house. You don't know if it's a dog and all the stuff in your house will get ruined, if it's a piece of metal it could move and break your window or if it's a person it could break into your house, kill your hamster or steal your personal information and items. As the wind picks up the thing moves again. There's definitely something there, your eyes aren't playing tricks on you. Then your neighbour screams again and she runs away from the window. Something is chasing her.

If you help you neighbour, you run the risk of being seriously injured but if you go and investigate your house, you may be able to stop whatever is waiting there for you. What do you do?

Help your neighbour
Investigate your house

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