Call the police

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Stay inside and call the police

That was definitely a blood curdling scream. You have to get help but you can't risk leaving your safety zone. What if there's a killer out there and you end up dying? You'll be no help then. What you have to do is get the authorities. They'll know what to do. You call the cops and tell them that there's someone screaming outside your house. The operator says you did the right thing to call and they are sending the police. They also warn you to stay inside. You give them your address and she says the police will be there in five minutes.

You take heed of the operator's warning and stay inside your bedroom under the cover of your sheets. You go on your phone and open the YouTube app and start watching videos to get your mind off of things. After watching a half hour video of animal fails your realize the police haven't arrived yet. The operator said they would be there in about five minutes. You tell yourself that they came and you just didn't hear or see them. You're under your thick comforter and your headphones are pretty loud. Nothing is wrong. It was probably just a prank after all.

The you hear the scream again. Crap! You think. The scream is back. Then you mentally face palm yourself. Of course it's back! It was probably a tv show or horror movie your neighbour was watching. That's why the police came and went so quickly..... You think. The police had come right? You begin to question yourself before deciding to call your Mom. You're kind of freaked out and the best thing to calm you down is the sweet voice of your mother.

You call her and she picks up immediately as always, you chat about everything that's going on and your mother teases you about how scared you are. You brush it off not really wanting to seem like a wimp in front of your mom but then you hear something. It's coming from the side of your house! Do you:

Stop to Investigate
Continue the call

If you chose 'Continue the call' please continue reading. If you 'Stop to Investigate' chose go to the chapter labelled, 'Stop to Investigate'

Probably just the wind, you tell yourself although you know you sound like a stupid horror movie character. But sometimes you have to convince yourself something isn't real. There's no real danger. You are just talking to your Mom on an average night. Perfectly normal, you're just paranoid. It's probably just the trash cans knocking against the side of the house. It is pretty windy after all. You can tell by your open..... window....

Wait a second! You didn't open your window! Did you? You can't remember but you beginning to freak out. You couldn't have opened your window. You NEVER do. It always gets too cold in the night if you do, and you feel as if someone is going to crawl through your window like you do right now. You drop your phone and run to window and slam it shut. What the actual hell is going on?!

You look outside your window and see you neighbour wandering outside frantically. She looks really scared and hurt. You think about calling to her but she's already taken off down the street, presumably to your other neighbour's house. You decide to get some sleep, maybe you're just tired and scared from the dream you had and all that screaming you heard. You're just about to get into bed when you hear some furniture moving downstairs.

You're frozen.

Someone is in your house. You curse yourself for not checking that sound earlier. You look at your wide open bedroom door. You look at the baseball bat beside your night table that you got for Christmas that you planned on using for that specific reason. To defend yourself from intruders. Then you look at your options:

Go downstairs with baseball bat
Lock the bedroom door and hide

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