Save your Neighbour

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Save your neighbour

Like hell you're leaving her there! You grab her and help her back to her feet. She thanks you through her tears. The killer rips off his mask to reveal a giant scar on his face. "You! You're the one I'm looking for!" He screams at you. But by then you were far away. You were at your neighbour's car by then. You open the passenger door and put her inside. You run to the driver's side door and open it.

You jump inside and lock the doors. Then you look around. I don't know how to drive! You tell her. She's says she'll walk you through it. She tells you to put on your seat belt, then to put the car in the reverse. When you are doing this the killer runs to the window and starts banging at it. He's begging you to let him....... kill you?

Yeah screw that, you're not doing that. At the urge of your neighbour you slam on the pedals. The brakes.... You correct yourself and reverse too far into a street light. Then you put the car in drive and you begin to make your way down the road. At first it's hard for you to keep steady on the road but you eventually get the hang of it.

Don't worry we'll get to a hospital, you tell your neighbour. She thanks you for your help. You did it. You saved her and yourself. You didn't have your phone to call the police and report the incident so you decide to call when you are at the hospital. The only thing on your mind is getting your neighbour to the hospital. She's still thanking you for saving her. You feel accomplished. Like a hero. No.... You are a hero! Congratulations! You saved yourself and your neighbour. You continue driving down road until you pull up at the nearest hospital and carry your neighbour inside. A thought crosses your mind. How did you even know where the hospital was. You've never driven here before. But you shrug it off. Who cares, you're safe now. You both survived.

(Incomplete Ending, Try and figure out the hidden secrets)

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