Go Deeper Into the Forest

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Run deeper into the woods

You turn and run deeper into the woods. That cabin's probably locked anyways. You follow the trail into the forest. You have to get out while you have the chance. No use just standing there. In your dream someone attacked you, so they might be behind you. You have to keep running. You look to see if someone is behind you. You end up running into a tree. Luckily you never ran into it fast enough and you never got seriously hurt. Just a little dazed.

You get up but someone grabs you. You ready a fist before realizing, it's just your neighbour. You breathe a sigh of relief. She's scared and hurt, but at least you're with someone now. You ask her if she's alright but she says no. She's scared and tired and doesn't know why this is happening to her. You grab her hand and try to pull her down the trail but she won't move.

She opens her mouth in horror and looks down the trail. There's something there, you can't see it, but you can see it's glowing beading red eyes. You stare at in shock when your neighbour lets out a scream. You turn around and she had rolled her eyes back so you can only see the whites. She levitates in the air before slamming down with brutal force. She is again raised but higher and slams harder into the ground. Again and again she is raised and slammed into the ground and you're standing there in shock. You never even realized your hand was out towards her moving up and down with her movements.

You finally realize and you jerk you hand towards you and her body slams into a tree before falling to the ground, lifeless. You're too horrified to move, only until you hear a voice. "All you needed was a little push,"

You look and see a man, instantly you can tell he's not a man. You can see right through him, not like any normal human would be able to. You can see he's gigantic. He's over a hundred feet tall. But in front of you, this demon pretends that it's nothing more than a man, but you know that it's just a disguise. Who are you? You ask nearly choking on your words.

The man lets out a belly laugh, it was so loud that trees nearby shook and fell and the air itself began to shake. "I'm The Demon King. I can't believe you don't remember me, after all, I'm your Father". You fall to the ground in shock. You feel like how Luke Skywalker felt when he found out that Darth Vader was his Father, but worse! He sits down on the floor, as if he was a child.

"It's your turn to become The Demon King now child. You'll have endless power and infinite knowledge. Do you accept?". You're trembling now. You don't want to do it but he seems the be the person not to anger. How bad could unlimited power be.

Resist Temptation
Accept Offer

(If you chose Resist Temptation go to the chapter titled 'Resist Temptation'. If you chose 'Accept Offer' continue reading.)

You don't want to anger your 'Father' and you don't see how bad endless power is. Your Father smiles, "Sleep now child, your time of reckoning awaits." And with that he waves his hand in front of your face and you fall asleep.


You wake up in a cabin on the floor. There is a pentagram on the ground that you're lying on and black candles everywhere. The pentagram is glowing red. "Are you ready?" A man dressed in all black with a large scar on his face asks. You nod your head, Yes I'm ready


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