Go to Cabin

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Go to the Cabin

You run to the cabin. Going deeper into the forest to get mauled by some bear? Yeah right. You high tail it out of there and into the cabin. You can enter through the front or the back.

Choose front
Choose back

(If you chose 'Choose front' continue reading. If you chose 'Choose back' go to the chapter labelled, 'Enter Through Back')

You enter through the front of the house. No time to look for another entrance. You walk through the front and creak it open. The first thing you see when you open the door is.....

You can see something in the living room so you quietly run up the stairs. You head into the first room you see. It's a small average room with a bed, an old tv and a VCR. You see on the night stand that there's a tape. Curiosity gets the best of you and you put it in the VCR. The tape begins slowly and you hope the whatever's downstairs doesn't here you but soon you are infatuated with the video. The first thing you see when it turns on is your Mother. You don't believe it! Why would your mother be on the tape? This is what she said:

I need to tell someone about what happened. I just can't keep this to myself anymore. I...... I did something... really bad and.... I got myself into a lot of trouble. I was just a young kid. I was bored. I wasn't doing anything with my life. And I was following the wrong crowd. I ended up joining a cult. I was only 17. I don't know what I was thinking! It was cool at first. W-we just had to follow some rules. I thought eventually I'd get bored and join another cult or something but that didn't happen. I never realized that I had join a demonic cult. My cult.... They forced everyone to worship some demon! Some did willingly, others didn't. We started doing rituals. We would sacrifice animals.... Then humans. It got too much for me and I asked to leave, but they would let me. I was stuck there. Me and a few friends tried to escape but they caught us..... And they killed all my friends. But they hadn't different plans for me. My sister happened to be one of the cult members leaders.... And she recommended me for something. She recommended me to be a vessel for the demon's child. I couldn't stop them. I was so scared but I managed to escape. I went far far away and never looked back.... But now what do I do? I need help. I can't do this.... I can't do this....

You were stunned. You never had any siblings. Your mother was talking about you! You always knew that your Dad wasn't your real Father. You just assumed you were from a past relationship or something. Not a demon child! You head begins throbbing at the realization. You have to sit down on the bed and try to concentrate. You're in too much disbelief to realize that your mother was repeatedly apologizing on the television screen. You didn't realize that someone had come out of the shadows and was in the room behind you.

Something hits the back of your head hard. You fall to the ground. You look back up to see a deranged, dirty haired woman with a cleaver. But you recognize her! Mom! You try and call weakly but it's much too late for that. She has tears in her eyes and apologizes before bludgeoning you to death.

Your mother did this to save you. She thought that by killing you, she would save you from your destiny to become The Demon King and take over the Earth. But she never realized that in killing you, she sent you straight to the under world just like the demons were trying to get you. But now you have enough hate in your heart to fulfil their plans.

(True end #1)

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