Help your Neighbour

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Help your neighbour

You can't just ignore her screams for help. You run to her front door and burst open the door. You look around. There's blood on the floor and walls and you can hear a struggle in the living room. You run into the living room and there, your neighbour is on the floor, bleeding all over the carpet. As she sees you she reaches a bloody hand to you.

You're shocked and it takes you a few minutes to regain your composure but soon you are at her side. She has stab wounds all over her stomach, arms and legs. She's bleeding out fast. You run to the bathroom and get some towels to try and stop the bleeding you've never been in this situation before and you're freaking out and forgetting all first aid you've learned. You're neighbour is mumbling over her words trying to tell you something but you tell her to save her energy.

You help her to her feet and begin to take her out of the house. You have to get her to a hospital ASAP, no looking around for the killer. You walk to the door and grab the keys off of the rack. You want to call the police when you realize, you forgot your phone at your house. You pyjamas are caked in blood and you just want to get her to her car and drive to the ambulance. You open the door. Then you hear her let out a faint scream.

You look behind you and there is a man holding a bloody knife dressed in all black. He is tall and has a Michael Myers mask on. You can tell by just looking at him he's stronger than you. You don't have a weapon. There's no fighting him. In your shock you end up dropping your neighbour and stumbling and falling on the ground yourself. Your neighbour is desperately crawling towards you to try and get up again. You watch as the killer slowly walks closer towards you.

You can't help as you mind is over come with selfish thought of saving yourself. Your neighbour is closer to the killer than you. You have the car keys in your hands. If you run away, you can make it to the car and escape... but at the expensive of your neighbour.

Run Away
Save your neighbour

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