Resist Temptation

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Resist Temptation

You won't do it! Noo! You scream at him. His fist twist into anger. He stands up and now you see how big he truly is. He reaches down his gigantic hand to you a with one clean twist, he breaks you neck, ripping your head off in the process. You awake on a strange room of mirrors. Not full of mirrors, the walls are mirrors!

You look in every direction but all you can see is yourself. "Well, well, well look who it is?" A voice slowly echoed. Not just any voice.... Your voice ! A shadowy figure emerged out of the air. You get up quickly and look at the thing. It's you! But you're different from it. Its hair is darker than yours, and so are its eyes and skin. This thing looks disgusting and drained and is covered in some strange black ooze you later discovered was its skin. It looks like an empty hopeless version of you. But you don't know what it is.

What are you? You ask it in a trembling voice.

It scoffs, "I'm your inner demon. The real you." You begin to tremble

"I'm tired of this eternal nightmare of being attached to you. I've waited eighteen long years for this. You're a fake! I hate you, you ruined me and caused me pain. I hated being stuck in a stupid, boring host body. You're not even smart enough to choose the right choice. You'd rather live with stupid nose picking, brat faced teens then rule the entire under world! You're pathetic. And the moment I'll be free from you is when I end your stupid pathetic life!" It screams so loud so of the glass cracked and shattered to the ground.

You gulp. But you aren't afraid of this thing. You know what you have to do. I know who I am. And I'd never want to be you! You'll never be the real me! And even if you are, you still can't live without me, You yell at it. It doesn't believe you, but you knows it's bluffing. You've always had a sense for these things.

You grab a glass shard and slit you wrist. The thing budges at first but then it doesn't more, keeping a sly smile on its face trying to convince you that you're a failure. You beginning to panic. Should you continue? Is it right? Maybe it wasn't budging and was just shocked at what your doing. You begin to doubt yourself. What should you do?

Continue on

(If you chose, 'Continue on' then continue reading. If you chose, 'Stop' then go the chapter labelled, 'Stop')

You can't start doubting yourself now. You have to continue. You take the blade and slit your throat. The thing loses composure and collapses.
You were right! It did need you to survive. Or at least it could only live without you if it killed you. But since you killed yourself it's dying. It was squirming and thrashing on the ground. It morphed into a hideous creature with a goat's head and hooves. The it melted into a pile of nothingness.

You smiled. You weren't going to have to be a demon. You never have to rule the underworld. You were free, free to die in peace. You knew that you had made a heroic sacrifice and saved thousands, no millions, no billions of people from suffering in the future! You're a hero. And you're going to die a heroic death. You think about your family, your friends, your teacher, that nice cashier from the store, that mean kid from school. Tears form in your eyes, you're gonna miss them all. You don't even have the strength to wipe away the tears as you whisper a silent prayer that you were able to make it out of this the way that you wanted to.

You're a True Hero!😭
(Sad Ending #1)

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