Investigate your house

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Investigate your house

You need to see what ever is at the side of your house. You promise yourself to help your neighbour as soon as you get back. The scene did look kind of fishy. And by fishy you mean it looked like it was taken straight out of a horror movie. It had to be some sort of sick prank right? And what if you fell for this prank, right at the moment when someone could be breaking into your house??? You weren't going to take the chance.

You walk to the side of your house and yell to whatever's there. You walk up to it and find that it's just a piece of zinc beside your house. That's odd. Why would there be zinc anywhere near your house. It doesn't seem like it was there before. There's definitely something wrong. You want to leave but you did come to investigate. You walk to the zinc.

Then, just as you come to the stunning realization that someone is behind the zinc they use their long clawed hand to throw the zinc high into the air, above your house, until it's just a dot in the sky. Your eyes stumble back from the monstrosity that just did that. You have too hold back tears and vomit when see it. There is a 12 foot tall beast in front you. It has hooves foot feet and each one of its finger has about a two-inch long claws. It has a goat's head and massive strength. You're frozen in fear. The only thing you can do is urinate yourself.

The demon takes its claw and impales you in your stomach before you realize you have to move. You take fall on the floor gushing blood from your wound and mouth. The demon takes its blood stained claw and licks it, drinking your blood. You take the chance while its distracted and try to run away but the demon picks you and slams you into the ground. You black out.


You wake up on the cold ground. You find yourself in the middle of a thick forest. You have no idea how you got there, all you know is one thing:

That demon must be following you. And you have to get away from it.

You get up off the ground and look for your phone. You remember you left it in your bedroom so you decide to walk around and try to get help. After the first few steps you take, you hear something crunch under your foot. You look. It's your phone. Great, you think. The screen is completely cracked but it can still be operational. Then you think. How is this even here? You can swore you left it in the bedroom. You try to call your parents but you can't reach them.

There's no service.

You begin to panic. You're in the middle of the woods with no service but then déjà-vu hits you. You remember your dream. Everything is the same. And if everything's the same, you're in for a knock down. You quickly spy a cabin in the distance. But there's a trail in the forest. You have to think fast. There's no time to decide!

Go to the Cabin
Run deeper into the woods

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