Free Falling

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He was doing something important. What was it? Oh, yes. He was...

Falling. Free falling. The water glistened beneath him, reflecting the sunlight and himself. The air whistled by his ears as he fell, it was quite distracting. A woman let out a scream. Ah, so he had been seen.

He made impact with the water, sinking down below. Something grabbed his leg, pulling him down even further, and he began to panick. Trying to swim up didn't work, whatever had him in it's grips was too strong, and didn't plan to let go. He tried kicking, punching, but nothing happened. His actions were becoming sluggish and his lungs burned. Then, there was a splash beside him. A woman had jumped in, and she had a blaster ready for use.

After a few attempts at shooting the creature, it relinquished its grip and he was able to swim up with help from the woman. His lungs felt ready to pop, and he didn't know if he could hold on much longer.

They both broke the surface, gasping for air. After he caught his breath, he turned to the woman. "Th-thank name's Luke," he said, moving his hair out of his face. The woman looked up at him- no, it was Leia! "L-Luke?" She gasped out, shock on her features. "Let's get out of the water.." she spoke slowly, and they began to swim the the shore.

As they climbed out, Luke noticed Leia checked her false hand. Guilt weighed on his heart, reminded of what he'd done. "First off, are you alive?!" Leia asked him. Luke thought for a moment. "By the will of the force, I suppose. I really don't long has it been for you?" Luke asked in return. "It's been twenty seven years, Luke. I'm forty two. Father is sixty nine, and mother is seventy four. It's been a long while, Luke, and you don't look a day over fifteen," Leia said sadly.

Luke nodded glumly, then studied her features, noticing how her age had changed her. He felt her distress and sadness- something was really bothering her. "Leia, what's the matter?" Luke urged her, hoping to get an explanation. Leia sighed, and moved a strand of hair from her face. "It's my son, Ben. He's...not around anymore," Leia explained, but Luke could tell it was only partial truth. Luke knew it hurt her though, so he didn't press any further.

"Do you think we could go in and dry off?" Luke asked hesitantly, not yet knowing his boundaries. Leia froze for a moment, but then nodded. "Come. You can borrow some clothing from Han," Leia waved him forward. "Who's Han?" Luke asked, confused. Leia chuckled a bit. "I should have known you wouldn't know him..Han's my husband," she smiled. Luke nodded, and they walked towards the door.

They were both soaking wet, so as they walked in what would be comfortable silence, the sound of dripping water could be heard hitting the stone floor. Leia led him to a room that could only be her's and her husband's. The light streamed in from the window, illuminating the room. Leia searched through the chest, and handed him a fresh pair of clothes. She went into the connecting room to fetch him a towel to dry off with, and one for herself.

Leia went into the other room to change, and Luke did as well. The clothes were a bit big on him, but they would do for now. While he waited for Leia, he looked around the room, taking in everything. Sitting out on top of the night stand, was something that seemed to strike Luke. A bracelet from many years ago, that he had received from Leia as a gift. It looked as though it had been washed and scrubbed many times, but there were still dull red stains. Luke assumed that it was his blood.

The bracelet obviously wouldn't fit him anymore, but it was still very special to him. Right as he was about to reach for it, someone entered the room. "Who are you, and what are you doing in my room?" A man asked, his voice filled with anger. Luke spun around and put his hands up, ready to explain, but the man was way ahead of him. "I know you. Why shouldn't I just shoot you right now?" The man asked, aiming a blaster right at him.

"Please, I-" Luke started, but was cut off by Leia storming into the room. "Han, stop! Put that blaster away!" Leia commanded, and Han reluctantly put the blaster back into it's holster. "The force sent him, Han, so leave him alone, he has good intentions," Leia explained. "And maybe he's here to help with Ben.." Leia added as an afterthought. Han's expression softened.

A little boy raced into the room, who almost looked like a younger version of Anakin and himself. "Mom! Dad! Grandpa said we could get my kyber crystal tomorrow!" The young boy exclaimed. "Good for you, Luke!" Han gave the young boy a high five, and Luke froze. "Y-you named him Luke?" He asked weakly. The young Luke looked at him and frowned. "Who're you?" he asked. "I-I'm Luke Skywalker," Luke responded. "Oh! Like the Luke in Mom's stories?! I'm Luke Solo!" The younger Luke exclaimed.

Luke looked to Leia for some help. He really didn't know what to do. "Yes, like the Luke in my stories. Now why don't you go check on Sarah," Leia ushered him out of the room and closed the door behind him. "Luke, we..need your help. You see, uh, there's a new empire. They're calling it the First Order, and our son, Ben, he's a major part of it. He calls himself Kylo Ren."


Kylo Ren stormed down the hall. He had felt the awakening, he knew his plan had worked. As he entered his private quarters, he saw the helmet that had belonged to Darth Starkiller, one of his greatest inspirations. He kneeled down before it. "I won't fail you, and soon...soon, you will work alongside me." 

Hello! I'm so happy to be writing this series again. I hope that while I'm still on Christmas break, I can publish a chapter day, and then during the school year I can do it every other day. That's how I originally did it for Searching for Skywalker. Hope you all enjoyed! 

may the force be with you-


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