Force Ghosts and New Friends

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Anakin sighed and turned back to Obi-Wan. "You know, sometimes I just want to smack my kids upside the head. They never learn, do they?" Obi-Wan shook his head. "They are your children Anakin, did you expect any less?" Obi-Wan chuckled at him. Anakin glared at the man. "I raised Leia better than this! I'm not going to say anything about Luke, he was practically raised by Sidious, but still!"

"Anakin, they are both hurting. We made our mistakes, let them make theirs," Padme placed her hand on his shoulder. "I'm not their parents, so I'd be smacking them right about now. Knock some sense into 'em..." Sarah trailed off, rolling her eyes. "I'm more concerned about their friend, Poe. He is in the hands of the First Order now. What will become of him?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Well, we're part of the force now. Nothing we can do but wait and see."


Han had messed up. He was pretty sure of that. He was too stubborn to admit it, though, so on he went, avoiding his family and obligations. Now he had made deals with the Guavian Death Gang and Kanjiklub, so he was in deep. That, and he had lost the Falcon. The YT-1300 Light Freighter had been through everything with him, and he was not about to just let it slip away!

"Chewie, any news?" Han asked as his wookie friend entered the room. Chewbacca howled the equivalent of no in Shyriiwook. "Kriff. What are we going to do? We've got to find her," Han sighed, resting his face in his hand. Chewie howled softly and placed his paw on Han's shoulder. "Thanks, bud. I know you're trying."

Han turned back to his datapad, looking for any new developments on the Falcon. He kept on refreshing the screen to no avail. There was nothing there, and nothing was coming. "Leia can't find out about this," Han warned Chewie, knowing that he had been updating her on their travels.

Chewie howled sadly but agreed. Han stood and began walking down one of the corridors of his temporary Baleen-Class heavy freighter, the Eravana. They were transporting three rathtars, dangerous creatures that had killed all of his crew while getting them on board. He was transporting them to a collector, King Prana, who was in competition with the regent of the Mol'leaj system.

One of the rathtars thrashed against the door, making Han jump. "I can't wait to dump you, wermo," Han rolled his eyes, slipping into a bit of Huttese. He continued to walk on, not really sure where he was going.


"I had no idea we had the best pilot in the resistance on board," Kylo Ren said, causing Poe to open his eyes and attempt to sit up. Blood was running down the side of his face and he felt weak. "Comfortable?" Kylo asked sarcastically and Poe could hardly resist the urge to roll his eyes.

"Not really," Poe responded shortly. "I'm impressed," Kylo Ren stated, taking a step closer. "No one has been able to get out of you what you did with the map," he said, taking a few more steps so he was now looking down on Poe. "Might want to rethink your technique," Poe replied, lifting his head higher.

Kylo Ren remained silent, instead lifting his fist into the air. Poe began to feel a pressure, like something forcing its way into his mind. His head pounded and he grit his teeth. Poe gasped and then was thrown backward, his skull vibrating as he hit the metal interrogation chair. He couldn't breathe, but he had to keep Kylo Ren out of his mind.

"Where is it?" Kylo asked, shattering the silence. 'The resistance will not be intimidated by you," Poe choked out in defiance. "Where is it?" Kylo Ren asked more forcefully, pulling Poe forward. Objects in the interrogation room began to shake and so did he. Finally, he couldn't take it any longer, and he screamed.

Everything had gone dark but the pain had eased. Poe didn't know how much time had passed but soon enough a storm trooper entered the room, carrying a blaster. "Ren wants the prisoner," he said, directing it to the trooper who was guarding Poe. His cuffs were opened and forced to stand.

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