Family Comes and Goes

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yo anyone want a midquel or something with the end of the rebellion and baby ben + possibly some baby luke solo

Luke didn't know what to expect when he boarded his Dad's old ship. It was hard being around the place that held so many memories, knowing there would be no more created with Han. Within the span of three weeks, Luke had lost every single family member but his mother, and it was hurting more than he cared to say.

In that time he had also gained an uncle, Luke's namesake back from the dead. It was strange that the man he had been told of throughout his childhood was alive again, after hearing of his infamous death. Han and Leia recounted many times the great story of Luke Skywalker who had sacrificed himself to save his father and sister, along with countless others across the vast galaxy.

Now, Luke was going to train with these two young women and his uncle was to be their teacher. He craved for the familiarity of lessons with his grandfather and aunt, but knew those times had come and gone, along with everything good that his uncle had sacrificed himself for.

It was sad. Luke Skywalker had died in hopes that it would mean something, yet here they were, repeating history. It was almost unavoidable. Once again, Luke felt the anger rise up in him when he thought of his wayward brother, the reason they were all in this mess. Ben had mercilessly ordered that his family is killed and had been the one to take Sarah's life. It hurt to know that the last thing Sarah had seen was Ben's cruel face.

"So, what do you think of all this?" One of the women, Kiandra, sat down in front of him. "Hmm? Oh, I don't know really," Luke lied with a fake smile, that being the only thing he knew how to do these days. "Well, why don't we talk then? Where's your family from? That's a good starting point," Kiandra smiled softly, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder before briskly pulling away.

"Well, my grandfather was an ex-slave from Tatooine-" Luke began to recall before he was interrupted by a small gasp from Kiandra. "So am I," she said quickly, her eyes filled with wonder. "Oh, really? Wow," Luke frowned, surprised. Kiandra nodded.

"As I was saying, my grandfather was an ex-slave from Tatooine who went on to be a Jedi, but before he did that, he met my grandmother, the Queen of Naboo-" Luke was interrupted once more by yet another gasp from Kiandra. "That means you're a prince!" Kiandra grinned giddily. "I...I've never thought of it that way," he looked down, shocked by the revelation. "Huh, guess I am," he shrugged.

"Years later when my grandfather Anakin was a Padawan to Obi-Wan Kenobi, he married my grandmother Padme, right before the Clone Wars began. A few years into the war, my grandmother had my mother and uncle on Coruscant, and then after all the kidnapping, turning to the dark side, and war stuff, my mother had Ben and then me, both on Naboo," Luke summed up, answering her question without any interruptions that time.

"We're here," Rey interrupted the short silence. "According to the map, your uncle is located here," she continued, proceeding to step into the room all the way. "So, who's ready?" Rey finished, giving them all a small smile.

The walk up the mountain was agonizingly slow and with each step, it seemed that there were a million more. Luke remained quiet and so did his two companions, though if R2 and Chewie had walked with them, he knew that there would be much more conversation.

Above all, Luke was aching from the loss of family, and the soreness of his legs was minuscule compared to it. Just a few months ago, he was training to be a Jedi with his brother, living in a villa near the luscious hills and waterfalls of Naboo, and everyone would reunite for a family dinner in the evening. At bedtime, his grandmother and grandfather would recall stories from wars long ago, and in the afternoon Aunt Sarah would help him learn new abilities in the force, occasionally joined by Anakin. His father and Chewie would take him for trips in the Falcon or play games of chase in the fields of grass. Luke's mother would help him up when he fell down, give him hugs to reassure him that he was loved, and took care of him when he was ill. It was all so perfect, and now it was just gone.

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