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Author's POV

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Author's POV

Seungwan sat on the brick staircase outside. Her chin on top of her palms as she observe the guards practicing.

The gates were shut and had been shut all day long, leaving Seungwan stuck in the palace with boredom.

"Master!" Namjoon hustles over to Seungwan's father, Mr.Son

In his hand a scroll tied by the faintest string Seungwan has ever seen. She watches as her father untied the string and reads the scroll.

A smile appears on his face as he lets out a gleeful laugh. Turning his head, he stops at Seungwan and beckons her over.

The bored girl jumped out of her spot and rushed over to her beloved father. "Here"

She took the scroll and scanned every word. Every word, her eyes grew as her lips turned upwards. "They're really coming back?!"

Mr.Son nods while caressing his beard.

This was the best news Seungwan has heard in awhile. Her sister was returning home and that means she wouldn't be lonely anymore.

'But wait...who'll take care of Jimin...?' She stopped smiling and thought to herself.

That sense of happiness was now replaced with worrisome. Her father stares at her sullen expression and frowns, "I thought you were happy that you're sister and brother in law are returning"

She was. She really was. But she was worried about Jimin. Even though Jungkook had informed her about his new life now, she was still worried that something could happen to him.

"When are they going to get here?" Seungwan turns to Namjoon.

He thinks for abit before answering her with one finger.

"So they'll be here by tomorrow?" She makes sure and he nods.


Jimin kneels down before his family's grave. He tried his best to not let any tears fall out but that was incredibly hard.

Taking a big breath he bowed down once

"We have to leave in abit. Say your last words to them buddy" Taemin patted Jimin's shoulder and left the boy alone.

Once his presence disappeared he finally let his tears fall, "I'm sorry...Sorry for not being able to protect you guys" he wipes away his tear and continues.

"I'm so sorry for being a terrible son to you both. And not only couldn't I take revenge but I'm going to leave you three here in this terrible town...forgive me" he sniffs.

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