Kim Yerim

181 15 1

3 years ago...

Yerim smiled as she watches Jungkook chopping wood. His arms so built and strong that she couldn't help to admire them. His face filled with sweat yet she couldn't believe how sexy he looked.

"Is this enough?" He asks wiping away the sweat. Yerim nods her head and walks over to help him pick up the chop wood but he stops her. "It's okay you'll get dirty if you pick them up" he grabbed the woods and carried them inside.

These small actions from him made her heart flutter so much. She only gets to see him once a year because of his duty and he'd be here for two more days before he leaves again.

Him, her and her older Taehyung have been friends since they were little and even when he moved away, Jungkook made sure to keep in touch.

"Come on Yeri, lets go inside before you catch a cold" Jungkook says as he picks up the last few wood pieces. She nodded and headed inside with him trailing behind.

Taehyung gets out from his room fully dressed after washing up. The three gather around the table filled with food. "It looks so good Yeri!" Jungkook exclaim as he bit his wooden chopsticks making her laugh, "Then dig in"

They enjoyed lunch together and talked about the most random things. Yerim always loved doing this when Jungkook came to visit. Just sitting around the table and talking was enough for her.

But all of that came to a stop when they heard a knock on the door. Yerim stares at Taehyung and Jungkook before placing down her chopsticks, "You two continue eating, I'll go see who it is"

She stands up and makes her way to the door. Upon sliding it, the door slammed open with a force from the outsider. It was a man wearing all black but with a sword dangled on his waist.

"Can I help you sir?" Yerim says nervously. He looks inside before turning to look at her. "Do you live here by yourself?" His voice is deep and cold, not showing any sign of emotion.

But nonetheless Yerim shakes her head, "My older brother lives here with me"

He tries to get another peak inside but she blocks him, "Look if there's no reason for you to be here then please leave-"

The man pushes Yerim inside and walks into the house. Jungkook and Taehyung stand up to see the man smirking widely over them.

"Jeon Jungkook" he sneers.

Jungkook backs away knowing how much power this man possessed...he slowly reached for his sword on the table but his hand flew back when the man shot some darts at him.

"Taehyung get Yerim out of here!"

While Taehyung rushes to Yerim's side, Jungkook tackled the man down bringing him outside as the two wrestle one another. Jungkook punches him in the face multiple times once he gets over him.

But the man doesn't give up. He kicks Jungkook off of him making the younger one fall to the ground in pain. In one quick motion, the man stand up and takes out his dagger. He looks down at the groaning Jungkook before swing the dagger down.

"NO!!!!" Yerim scream and threw a bowl at the man. Jungkook takes advantage of it and trips the man making him fall onto his knee.

He stands up quickly and rushes inside to get his sword. By the time he ran back out, the man was already attacking Taehyung and Yerim. He punched Taehyung to the ground before yanking Yerim's hair. She yelp and fell back into his chest.

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