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Author's POV

"Jimin!" Taemin shouts as he runs towards them. Unlike before, the Bandits let Mina and Na Eun go before running away.

Mina runs to Jimin's side and grabs his face. He looked confused, "Who's holding me?"

The other three look at one another before Mina let out in a shaking voice, "Its me, Mina.."
But Jimin frowns, "I-I c-can't see you!"

Taemin looks to the ground and grabs the three needles. He studies them carefully before realizing what they were. Angrily, he threw them to the ground and looks at the direction the bandits ran off to.

He shouts before cursing.

Na Eun stands up and holds onto his arm, "What's wrong? What are those needles and why can't Jimin see us?!"

Mina helped Jimin up, she cries as she watches him reach his arms out as if trying to see if there is anything infront of him.

Taemin frowns and covers his face with one of his hands. "Those needles have poison in them"

"What?" Na Eun exclaims.

Jimin pulls out of Mina's hold and tries to wal over to Taemin. He uses his arms to make sure he doesn't hit anything but to also try to grab Taemin with his hands.

Mina holds back her tears seeing him like that.

Jimin's pupils look around anxiously before finally reaching Taemin.

He holds onto his arms, "What exactly does that poison do hyung?" He calmly questions. But Taemin doesn't answer.

"Is this? Does it make me blind like this?!" He asked abit more stern as his grip tightens.

When there's no answer again, Jimin tightly grips onto him, "IS IT THIS ?! TELL MEEE!!!! WHY CANT I FUCKEN SEE?! TELL ME HYUNG!"

"It's poison that makes you blind..." he finally answers after Jimin's outburst.

Slowly, Jimin's grip loosens, he shakes his head  not accepting what Taemin just said. "No! You're lying right?! Hyung!"


Jimin's eyes watered as he slid down onto his knees. His head shake back and forward as he mumbled rubbish...

A/N: Please play the video in the media 😊 I love this song so much 😭😭😭 you can keep playing it over if you'd like :) music makes thing so much better 😁❤️

"Seungwan!!!!" Jungkook screamed.

She turned around to the sweaty boy.

"Your sister was attacked by bandits!" Seungwan's eye widened and she went to him. "Is she okay?"

He nods and takes a deep breath.

"But Jimin was poisoned!" Seungwan dropped her bow, her eyes watered before she ran off towards the front gate.

She pushed past everyone and ran as fast as she could.

' have to be okay!' She screamed in her head while running.

Getting to the front she sees many guards blocking the gates. She turns to the nursing house and rushed over there.

"Seungwan!" Namjoon calls but she ignores him and runs for her life towards the nursing house.

The only thing that ran through her head was Jimin. Jimin was all she worried about...Park Jimin!

"LET ME GO!!!" She heard his voice and that's when she let out one tear fall before running into the house. Whipping the door open she sees Taemin and Mina trying to hold Jimin down for an inspection by the nurse.

His eyes are full of tears, hair disheveled, he's gotten so much skinnier..."I SAID LET ME GO! I JUST WANT TO DIE!" He screams and pushes Taemin off of him.

Immediately Seungwan ran inside and hugged him, "Stop...please stop" she whimpers finally letting her tears fall to its fullest. Seeing him like this pained her to no ends.

Jimin's hand shakily went around her body and rest on her his voice cracked, "Wen-Wendy?"

She nodded against his chest, "I'm Wendy, I'm here! I missed you so much" she cried into his chest and finally she felt his arms tighten around hers.

His tear drops hit the top of her head as he takes in her scent. "I missed you so much I thought I'd die" they both cried into each other's arm.

"What happened? Who did this to you?" She pulled away and wiped away his tears. But more fell as he stared right at her.

She continue wiping away his tears, "I can't see anymore...what did I do? I can't see anything!!!" His voice cracking every time he said a word.

"Do you know how excited I was knowing that I'd see you again..I left my family so that I could be with you. So that I could see you everyday. That beautiful smile of yours...but-BUT WHAT IS THIS?! I CANT SEE YOU! I CANT SEE YOUR PRETTY EYES OR YOUR BEAUTIFUL SMILE!!! JUST KILL ME ALREADY!" He shouts and pulls away from her.

Seungwan cried her eyes out as she watches him falling to the ground breaking apart. He screams while pulling his hair.

Seeing him like this, she wanted to fall into a deep hole. Not being able to help him she wanted to jump off a cliff. She stood there watching him because she had no idea what to do. But Taemin motions for everyone to leave the room, everyone but her.

The nurse exits and Taemin pulls Mina out as she didn't want to leave.

Seungwan knew she had to help him. She promised him she'd protect him for as long as she can. And he needs her right now.

So wiping away her tears Seungwan made her way to Jimin and slowly kneel down before taking him into her embrace.

He buries his face in the crook of her neck while her left hand caresses his right cheek. She smiled softly and leaned down on top of his head.

"I'm here..remember what I promise you? I promised you my protection and as long as I'm alive I'm going to keep my promise" she cooed.

He stops crying but continues burying his face in her embrace.

"I'll make you see again. I'll find a cure and bring back your sight Park Jimin....I promise"

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