The sun is shining brightly on the grey pavement. I make my first move, twisting past my opponent and shoot the ball into the hoop. It's a perfect swish, I hear shouts of approval from the "audience" I look at them and smile charmingly. I quickly wink and look back at my opponent who is staring in disapproval. I make my way over.

"Hey it was a good game! I had fun, I mean, that's all that matters in one on one right, having fun?" I stick my hand out to shake, he doesn't take it, he only scoffs and walks past me. "Alright.... good game..." I turn back to the crowd that was watching.

"Wow, Yuichi-San, you did very well!" Said a 2nd year girl with light brown hair.

"Thanks... it was nothing though...." I glance at my watch, it's already time for me to be back for dinner! "Oh shish kabob Jerry!! I gotta slide!" I make my way past the crowd and run as fast as I can towards home.

Everything's always been the same around here. Sunny skies, fangirls, bakas, sports, rules, chores, empty. I want more than this. I want friends I can talk to about something other than what I did in basketball, I want friends who like to go out and eat and just mess around, I don't want to live here in this small town where everyone knows me for sports.... I want to start over.

As I walk in the door I'm welcomed by my mother, "Yuichi! How was the game?"

I sigh and walk past her, "it was great... I won..." I start up the stairs.

"Honey! Dinner is almost ready... Please be down to eat with us.. Its a special dinner!"

I shut the door to my room. I walk to my bed and lie down on it. Same old, same old. There's no use in doing anything. All I have in here is trophies, a basketball, nothing special. What's the use if you don't do anything other than sports... I close my eyes. My phone beeps. A text. Its from my cousin, it reads:

I'm sooo  excited for you!! Are you excited?? I mean this is great!

I reply,

Wut r u talking abt??

Oops! U don't no.... My bad...

No wut r u talking about???

There was no reply after that. My mom calls me down for dinner. I make my way down. Its smells like rosemary... We only cook with rosemary on special occasions.


It was 10 minutes before I finally asked, "Okaa-san? What's so special about tonight?? I got a text from Kioské... He said something but then didn't tell me about it..."

She looks at my father then at me, "I guess the secrets out... I'm pregnant! I found out this morning... And we're going to move to Kyoto! We move next month." I only have a surprised look on my face,Kyoto is where my cousin lives, it all makes sense, "oh honey... I know all your friends are here but I don't think this child should grow up in a place like this..."

"Okaa-san!! This is great! I'm so glad you made this decision!" I exclaim excitedly.

After dinner we watched a movie and I went to bed. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face all night.

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