The next morning, I wake up with a smile. I know that Ichiru will be waiting for me at school. I get dressed. I think of Ichiru the whole time, but something feels off. Something doesnt feel right about the atmosphere in my room. In my house. I walk downstairs causiously.
"Okaasan...? Dad...?" I call out. There was no reply. I had woken up last night to a rushed door being slammed, but i never payed attention to it. I thought it was just for some midnight craving Okaasan had. But no one is home. If it were ergent, why didnt they tell me.
Panic starts to set in. I break down in tears. I fall to the ground. What if something happened to Okaasan... or worse... the baby..! I cant breath. Im gasping for air but I cant seem to get any oxygen in my lungs. They better be alright. I dont know what to do. I cant do anything. I reach into my picket with shaky hands and grab my phone. My eyes are blurry with tears, but i manage to open up my phone and get to Ichiru's contact. I click on the call button because i cant type.
The phone rings....
2....."Hello? Yui-chan?" Its Ichiru's voice.
I cant speak properly. "!" I sob into the phone and i cant stop.
"Hey! Hey hey.... whats wrong.... what happened...? Im coming over right now! Ill be there in five!" He hangs up the phone and i just drop my phone.
I take deep breaths and i try to calm myself. Im skaking uncontrollably. I dont know what to do. My phone rings. I expect it to be Ichiru, but its not. Its an unknown number. The panic starts setting again, but i fight it and answer the phone.
"H.... hello...?" I say shakily.
"Hello? Is this Susuki Yuichi?" Its a female voice that ive never heard before. "Son of Kaila Susuki and Jonka Susuki?"
"Yes.... this is him...."
"Im Carla. Im a nurse here at the Korana Hospital. Im calling on behalf of your parents. They were in a terrible accident." Her voice doesnt have any real emotion, but i can tell shes trying to feel sorry.
"Im sorry... your father didnt make it and your mother was badly injured. There is a slim chance the child will be safe..."
"Oh....." I don't cry. There are no signs of sorrow on my face. I'm in shock. I cant say anything more.
"I'm sorry..." she says a formal goodbye and hangs up the phone.
Just as I set down the phone, there is a knock on my door. I look at the door slowly. I get up and open the door. Ichiru is standing at the door, his hair is a mess and he's panting like he ran all the way here. He did run. I let him inside without saying a word. I cant speak....
"What happened? Whats wrong?"
I can't say anything.
"Where's your parents? Should I get them so you guys can sort things out or...?"
At the mention of my parents I start bawling. Tears start falling down my face and reality hits me hard. I'm never going to see my dad again. I'm probably never going to meet my younger sibling. My mother is in the hospital, fighting for her life. The weight on my shoulders is heavy.
Ichiru pulls me into a hug and he squeezes me tightly. He kisses the top of my head and my face multiple times, he keeps repeating that it'll be okay. But it won't be okay. He doesn't know that I don't have a family anymore. I barely have a mother right now.
After I cry for around five minutes, I'm finally able to talk. "I.... chi.... ru....."
His eyes light up a bit. "Yeah? Yes? What is it? What's wrong?"
"My..... dad..... he's... " i Choke on air for a second. "Dead...." it feels weird to say those words. It's like I couldnt accept the fact that my dad was dead. It was like if I thought about him enough, he would walk through the door. He would smile and make a bad joke about my hair or he'd sit down and watch a game show while complaining about how stupid the show is.
"What do you mean, Yui...?" He looks shocked. He didn't really know my dad, but I could tell that he felt sad and sorry for my loss.
"They.... got in a.... car accident.... killed my dad and.... most likely the baby.... my mother is badly injured.... but she should be okay."
"I– erm..... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...." he pulls me close to him. I bury my face into his chest and cry. I cry silent sobs into his chest and I just can't stop. He is hugging me tightly and refusing to let go.
"I... Ichiru.... what..... what do I do....?" I ask him through small silent sobs.
"How about you go to the hospital and visit your mom.... I'm sure she'd like to see your face."
"O..... Okay...."
I had sobbed for another few minutes in Ichiru's lap. We were supposed to be in school and I even told Ichiru he should go, he stuck beside me. He was standing next to me, squeezing my hand tightly as we enter the hospital.
I'm going to see Okaasan. . .
Romance16 year old Yuichi is what you would call ordinary. Until he moves. Then everything goes downhill from there. Nothing seems to go right for him. Can someone, anyone, show him what it's like to feel Loved?