The Man

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I walk in to the house and see that the inside is just as stunning as the outside. They have beautiful ebony floors throughout most of the house’s main floor, but the living room and too floor are coated with thick white carpet that just looks expensive. They have pieces of art layed throughout the entire house, the most notable of which being a large painting hung above their suede couch. Its the image of a woman, a dancer perhaps, using the absence of all color other than red tk accent the piece. It's abstract but seems to make perfect sence in the minds eye.

They also have most beautiful kitchen I’ve ever seen. It has marble counters that are mostly based off white with dashes of other colors like black and brown to accent the surface, and all stainless steel appliances. I run my fingers across the smooth surface of the counter and trace my hands around things like the oven and sink, familiarizing myself with the setting. I’m starting to feel a little less shitty about living here.

I’ve just finished looking around the house when Uncle Rick approaches me. “Why don’t I show you to your room?” He says with a friendly grin. I smile, grab my bags, and start following him up the beautiful grand staircase. He leads me to a door that looks exactly the same as all the others in the hall and opens it for me, gesturing for me to walk inside.

I’m in awe with what I see. The room is very plain and don't have much in it yet, but it’s huge. I have my own queen sized bed in one corner of the room, and the rest of the room consists of a few dressers, a desk with what looks like a brand new laptop, and a vanity with lights around the mirror. The biggest difference between this room and my old one is the size. This room has got to be at least twice as big as my old one.

I put my bags in the floor and sit on my bed, which has a black comforter and pillows alternating in the colors black and white. “Well,” starts my uncle, “I’ll leave you to settle in. We can take you shopping for things for your room in a few days if you’d like. Your aunt and I will be just downstairs, let us know if you need anything.” He says as he starts to walk out of the room. Right before he disappears down the hall, his head pops back in to my room and says “Oh, and try not to be too terribly loud, Brendon is probably still sleeping.”

So, that’s his name. Brendon. I wonder if he keeps this family’s last name of Whitman or if he has his own? Probably his own. That makes the most sense. I look at my phone and see that it’s almost 1pm. Interesting that Brendon is still asleep, I wonder when I’ll get to meet him.

It doesn’t take long for me to unpack my bags because I dont have very many of them. Most of their contents are limited to things like clothes and books. My room doesn’t look very different now that I’m done, either. The main difference is that there are a few framed pictures of me with my friends around the space. Through unpacking my room, I also discovered that I have my own bathroom which is awesome. At my old house we all had to share a single bathroom and that sucked.

Once I’m completely done unpacking, I grab the shiny white laptop on the desk and head downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and set the computer on the island in the middle of the space and sit on a stool. I want to do some customization of the laptop if it’s going to be mine.

After a few minutes I hear some footsteps on the stair case. I assume that it’s going to be Aunt Jodie or Uncle Rick, but much to my surprise it’s not. I look up to see a shirtless boy rummaging through the refrigerator, and I assume that this is Brendon. He doesn’t seem to take any notice to me, so I stay very quiet and continue to stare at him. I can’t help but notice that he has an incredibly attractive body. He doesn’t seem to be too tall, maybe 5'9", but that’s still quite a bit taller than me. he has muscular arms and a slim body. His complexion is a touch lighter than mine, but he has lived in Chicago for quite some time and I came from Arizona. He looks like his skin would turn golden brown if exposed to the kind of sun I'm used to. He definitely doesn’t have a six pack, but I can see the faint outline of defined muscles on his stomach.

He finally turns around once he’s done taking what he’s wanted from the refrigerator, and it looks like he’s got food stacked up to his chin. I think I stayed a little bit too quiet, because when he sees me he jumps and exclaims “Jesus Christ!” 1dropping all of his food in the process. I unsuccessfully try and stiffle a laugh. “Damnit” is the next thing I hear him say. I’m still attempting to stop laughing when I see his head pop up from under the counter, his food successfully stacked again. He briefly looks at me before walking back up the stairs and in to his room, and the next thing I notice as that his face is even more attractive that his body. He definitely didn’t seem to be so pleased with our first interaction, so maybe I should wait until he’s fully awake for a proper introduction

After finishing setting up my laptop, I decide to try and get some sleep until dinner. I’ve been fairly busy the last few hours and I’ve been able to pretty successfully forget about why I’m here. I’m beginning to think that this might not be as bad as I think it will be. I wake up to the sound of Aunt Jodie yelling “Dinner!” I look at my phone again to see that its 6:34 PM. I get out of my (extremely comfortable) bed and walk downstairs. The meal that’s set out on the dining room table is beyond magnificent. I take a seat on one of the longer ends of the table to meet my Aunt and Uncle. I think we all realize at the same time who’s missing from this equation. My aunt sighs and then looks to her husband. “Dear, can you go get him?” She asks sweetly. Uncle Rick nods and stands up from the table to go get Brendon. My Aunt and Uncle are quite a bit older than people with kids our age would usually be, but their marriage seems to be doing impressively well. “Did you meet our foster son, Brendon?” My aunt asks me. “Briefly,” I say in response. “I’m sorry he’s being so anti social. He seems to sleep a lot when he can sense change.” She says. She seems to look a bit guilty after saying that, as if she had just said too much.

a minute or two later, both my Uncle and Brendon walk downstairs. The only difference in Brendon I can see is that now he has a plain black t-shirt on. He still has his sweatpants on and his hair is still a mess. Once he approaches the table, he sits directly in front of me. This isn’t a strange thing, considering this table isn’t very big. Once we are all seated together, my aunt is the one to break the silence. “Why don’t we all say grace?” She says. Immediately, her and my uncle’s hands reach out to grab mine. I didn’t realize this family is religious. This might make things a bit awkward, considering I’m an atheist. Aunt Jodie starts “preaching to the lord” or whatever, and I can’t help but open one of my eyes. When I do, I see that Brendon has both of his eyes open, which relieves me a bit. He jokingly rolls his eyes at me as if to say “can this be over already, I want to eat.” I have to try extremely hard not to laugh at this. I quickly close both of my eyes again and wait for the prayer to be over. Once it ends, I let out an uncomfortable “Amen” and start to pile my plate with food.

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