The School

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I wake up the next morning with a pounding headache. I wish I could take more than a drink of alcohol without getting affected too heavily. I guess I could just not drink, but I don't really see that happening.

I groan and lift myself out of bed, hating how early school starts. I slam off my alarm clock which currently reads 6:37 and get out of bed. I walk into my bathroom, take two advils, and brush my teeth. I look up at myself in the mirror to see that I have dark circles under my eyes. I groan again and drag myself back into my room.

It's the first day of school, so I want to look nice, but I also don't want to look like I'm trying too hard. I stare into my closet and after a while and then pull out a denim jacket that's dyed yellow at the top and a knee-length black velvet skirt. I then reach into my drawer and get a white t-shirt that says Nirvana in black lettering. I top it off with a maroon bowler hat to try and cover my dark roots. Brendon starts his part time job at a smoothie shop after school today, so I plan on re-dying my hair after school.

I put on some light makeup and walk downstairs, where I see Uncle Rick reading a newspaper. "Good morning," he says, chipper as ever. I smile at him and pour myself some coffee. "Did you sleep well?" He asks. I shake my head. "Guess the storm kinda got to me," I lie with a shrug. "Sorry to hear that," he said. I almost forgot that I need my back pack for school, so I bound up the stairs and turn in to my room to grab it. As I walk out I run in to Brendon. Literally.

"You have got to stop doing this," he says with a groan, rubbing his head. He looks tired, but not too tired. His hair doesn't have much gel in it today, but it's definitely combed through. He's wearing black skinny jeans and a blink-182 shirt. "Sorry," I say with clenched teeth. He laughs and the two of us walk downstairs. Brendon grabs and apple and I finish my coffee, than we leave to go get Ryan.

When we get to Ry's house, I go knock on the door since I'm going to have to move to the back seat anyways. It takes about a minute before Ryan's head pops out of the door. This kid has the energy of a puppy, I swear. He's holding three brown bags in his hands, and he shoves me one of them as we walk to the car. When we get in, he tosses Brendon one of them too. I remember Brendon saying something about how gross the cafeteria food is. "What'll it be today, Mr. Ross?" Brendon asks with some kind of faux posh accent. "Tuna," he says. Brendon crinkles up his nose and Ryan laughs. "Just kidding. Turkey." Brendon looks relieved at this. It's amazing how picky that kid can be, considering how much he eats. "Skinny fat" I mutter under my breath. Brendon scowls at me and then we both start laughing. "What? What did I miss?" Ryan says, seemingly bummed out that he doesn't understand. "Nothing, Ry," Brendon says, apparently not wanting to share our experience last night either.

When we get to school, Ryan gets out first and runs towards the building, anxious to get his schedule. Then, Brendon turns around and looks at me. "Try not to let anyone know we live together, ok?" he says. "Why?" I ask. "Because, knowing this school the way I do, everyone will think we're sleeping together." I shrug and let Brendon get out of the car. I see him stop and say hi to a few friends, and this is when I think it's my turn to get out.

I get out of the car, and as I walk by groups of people, I see some of them staring at me. I notice that everyone has already formed into cliques, and I look around and don't see Brendon or Ryan anywhere. This school is way bigger than mine was too.

At least I don't have to worry about my appearance so much. As I scan the crowds, I see a pretty large variety of people. I guess that can explain how Ryan gets away with his seventies folk-band style. Since I obviously don't have a group to fit into, I walk up to the table with my last initial on it amd get my schedule. Then, I walk into the building.

I look and see that my locker is number 201 on the second floor, so I walk upstairs and don't have to try too hard before I spot it. Then, I look at my schedule. I have three of my academic classes in the morning, then lunch, then PE, science, and finally, choir. I've always liked singing, and I think I'm pretty decent at it.

On this paper, it says that the first bell is at 8:00 and the late bell is 8:05. It's currently 7:57, so I find my first class.

When I walk in, there aren't too many people seated yet so I don't have too hard of a time finding a place to sit. After a few minutes, a girl with dark brown hair wearing a light blue dress comes to sit by me. "Hi, I'm Allie," She says. My class is only for juniors, so I already know her approximate age. "Ashley," I say with a smile. "Are you new, or am I just as clueless as I feel?" She asks. I laugh and shake my head. "I'm new. Just moved here." I tell her. "Good," she says, joining in on my laugh. "I love your hair, by the way," she says. "Thanks," I respond. "What are the rest of your classes?" I ask her. She shows me her schedule. We have third and fourth period together too. Before either of us say anything else, class starts.

First and second period go by pretty quickly, and right as I'm walking out of my second class, I see Allie. I stand by her and she smiles at me. As we're walking down the hall, I see Brendon. It isn't quite like a scene from a movie where everyone parts ways to stare at him, but there definitely seems to be a strange influx of girls whispering into their friends ears whilst looking at him. Before he reaches us, Allie starts tugging at my arm. "I know you don't have any reason to know this, but that's Brendon Urie. He's one of the best looking people in our school. Maybe not quite the best because He's not quite as cute as Justin Meyers, but he's up there." I have to actually strain myself not to giggle as she continues to rave about him as if we're in a high school movie. We keep walking, and right as Brendon passes by, I whisper skinny-fat at him, making sure to be extra quiet so Allie doesn't hear. He obviously doesn't care about what Allie does or doesn't hear, because in a voice loud enough that at least a few people probably hear him, he says "fuck off" and smiles at me before continuing his walk to class. Allie looks at me, utterly shocked before saying "What the hell was that about?"

"What?" I say, as if I didn't known exactly what just happened. "Why did Brendon just tell you to fuck off? And then smile at you?" I can almost see a hint of jealousy in her eyes, as if being told to fuck off is something admirable. "He wasn't talking to me." I say confidently. "Yes, he was." She says back, in utter shock of my denial. "Nope," I say, just as we reach our classroom. I know that it's probably pointless trying to convince her that I don't know him, considering she will probably see us eating together at lunch, but it's fun for now.

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