The Details

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I wake up crying, and I can't stand the fact that I'll have to spend all day with him. I'm not upset with him, not in the slightest, but it's such a huge change and I don't know how to deal with him. All I do know is that I want to help him in any way I can.

I stay in my room until the last possible minute, and then I throw on the most simple outfit I can before I walk out the door. I put my head down and walk straight to the garage. I get in the car and wait for Brendon. He looks over at me and I can see that he's been crying as well. He then says, "Ashley, we have to pick up liz today too, alright?" I want to tell him no. It isn't alright. I don't want to be in a car with some girl who cheated on you and left, only to come back and tell you that she's having your baby. But I don't. I just nod and look down at my phone.

We get to Ryan's house first, and since Brendon still lets him sit in the front, I know that I'm going to have to sit in the back with Elizabeth. When we turn on to a street the opposite direction of the school, ryan sighs and says, "She's coming?" At least Ry shares feeling with me on Liz. When we get to her house, Brendon calls her to say he's in the parking lot and tells Ryan to get in the back. I can see that this hurts Ryan a lot.

When Liz gets in the car, the first thing she does is lean forward and give Brendon a sloppy kiss on the lips, and I can feel my teeth clench. After she pulls away, I can see that it made Brendon very uncomfortable. Then she turns and looks at me, and gives me a mocking smile. I look to Ryan to see if he saw that, and he looks at me and makes a face as if he just tasted something vile.

When we reach the school building, her and Brendon walk hand in hand into the school building. I see heads turn as they walk by, clearly familiar with her perfect face. I can only wonder what she was like when she went here before.

The first thing we do as we get to the school is go to the office to get Liz's schedule. When I look at it, I tell her that we have second and fourth period together. "That's awesome!" she says in a way that's obviously mocking to me, but seems to be perfectly friendly to Ryan and Brendon. Saying I'm bummed out that I have some classes with Elizabeth is an extreme understatement. I'd rather force my fingers into a paper shredder then pretend to be friendly with her.

My first class passes too quickly, and then it's time for my next class which is one of the one's I have with Liz. I groan and walk over to the room. When I enter. I see her sitting at a desk, poised and with a hand on her stomach. I look around for somewhere else, anywhere else to sit, but by now the class is filling up and it's almost out of room. Begrudgingly, I walk over to where liz is sitting, and sit besides her. "Hello," she says, without even turning her head the slightest bit to acknowledge my presence. I uncomfortably nod at her, because I'm afraid if I tried to talk I would say something I'll regret.

"Do you like the name Sabrina or Carly better?" She asks me after a second or two, still not looking at me. "What?" I respond, confused by what she means. "Well, I've been thinking about girl baby names and I don't know if I like the name Sabrina or Carly better. You know, because Brenny Boo and I are having a baby?" I want to throw up in my mouth when she says "Brenny Boo," and I want to punch her because of how ok she is with having this baby. I want to do so many things to sabotage her, but I remind myself that it's Brendon's kid too, and I care about him a lot. I decide that for Brendon and his kid's sake, not to be petty to Liz. So I tell her honestly, without an ounce of passive aggressiveness, "I like the name Sabrina better." I figure if I don't show her that what she's doing is pissing me off, eventually she'll stop.

She nods and says "I agree." Throughout the rest of class, she continues to question me about little thing in this unborn child's life. Should it go to Yale or Harvard, should they get it a jumper with a bear or a cat, should they paint the room pastel pink or pastel purple, all things that she shouldn't be worrying about. What she should be concerned about is how her and Brendon's families are going to react, how they are going to pay for this child, things like that. But no, she's perfectly calm and already thinking about which ivy league school her child is going to go to.

The questions don't stop either. When we get to lunch, she asks the entire table all of the same questions she asked me, plus more, while clinging on to Brendon's arm. Everyone at the table looks like their having a nail driven through their head. Everyone except for Brendon. His eyes are red, and he has extreme dark circles under them. He doesn't say a word the entire meal, and he doesn't look at anyone. He doesn't even touch a bite of his food, which is probably the most surprising thing. He looks like he's having a mental breakdown, and truth be told I wouldn't be surprised if he was. While Elizabeth is squeezing his hand tightly, he is simply leaving it  limp in her grip. I'm sure he's terrified about what's going to happen to him. I would be too.

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