The Sandwich

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AN// sorry this is so short, the next one will be longer.

I try to sleep, but it's impossible. Every few minutes I find a different excuse to walk out of my room and see if Brendon's light is still on, and every time it is. Eventually my curiosity gets the best of me and I decide that I want to ask Brendon what happened.

I decide that it probably isn't the best idea to just barge into his room and ask for information, so instead I go downstairs and make him a ham and cheese sandwich. Then I walk back up the stairs amd knock on his door. "Who is it?" He asks. I'm confused for a second, but then I remember that Rick and Jodie are probably home and asleep now. "Ashley," I tell him. "Come in," he responds.

When I step through the door, the room is really smokey. I close it behind me so I don't cloud up the whole house. I look over at Brendon and see that he has a joint between his fingers. I also see the brown box from the day I got here with the lid off. Inside it is a pack of rolling paper, a lighter and a bag of weed. "You smoke?" I ask him, trying not to cough. "Only when I've had a really bad day." I nod and sit on his bed beside him. "I brought you a sandwich," I tell him, gesturing to the plate. He exhales the puff of smoke he was holding in his mouth and takes it from my hands. I try to sit quietly and wait for Brendon to talk, but eventually it gets to be too much.

"What happened with Liz?" I blurt out. Brendon is quiet for a few seconds before he speaks. "I made her leave." He says. I really don't want to pry, but I can't help myself. "Why?" He doesn't make eye contact with me, but instead continues to stare at his sandwich. "Because I broke up with her." My eyes get a little bit wide, and I'm about to ask why again when Brendon continues he was saying. "Apparently the last time she cheated on me wasn't four months before we broke up, it was two weeks before we broke up. The baby isn't mine."

I have so many thoughts rushing through my head, and so many things I want to blurt out, but when I go to speak the only thing that's able to find it's way off my tongue is "That bitch." Brendon laughs at this. "Did she know you weren't the dad?" I ask. He nods and finishes the last bite of his sandwich. "What about money? Are the two of them going to he ok?" I ask. Liz might be the biggest bitch ever to grace the earth, but I want her kid to be ok. "Oh they'll be just fine. Turns out her great aunt or something wrote her a huge check when she found out she was pregnant and nearly all that work I did was for nothing."

I shake my head and try to wrap my mind around this. "Wow," I barely utter out. Brendon laughs again. Seems like he's trying to take the high road on this. "You ok?" I ask. "Yes and no," he says. "On one hand, I've been lied to and stressed out of my mind for 8 months, but on the other hand I now have a bunch of extra money, I don't have to raise this kid, and I can finally get away from that terrible human I had to call a girlfriend." We both laugh when he says this.

Brendon finishes his joint and throws away what remains, and then closes up his box and tucks it under his bed. "It's too smokey in here, let's go to your room." He tells me as he stands up. I nod and we walk across the hall. We try to watch a movie on my laptop, but Brendon seems restless. We get about halfway through the movie Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World when Brendon stands back up and starts bouncing on the balls of his feet. "Let's do something spontaneous. I'm finally free to live how I want, let's do some living." He says. I laugh and look  at the time on my phone. "It's almost 3 in the morning, where do you want to go?" I ask. "I don't know, let's go get Ry and figure it out." He says. I think he's crazy, but he's right about one thing: it is his first night free. I debate in my mind for a little bit the pros and cons, but in the end I give in. "Fine, let's go." Brendon laughs and runs downstairs. I shake my head amd follow in suit.

When we get to the garage, we walk to Brendon's car and get in. We're lucky that Rick snores so loudly that Jodie has to wear earplugs, because the garage door might have woken them up. We pull out of the drive and start tearing down the street far above the speed limit. Brendon does the occasional shout in to the sky, but we don't really talk because the wind is too loud. Tonight seems like it's going to be one to remember and I'm definitely excited.

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