The Roadtrip

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I wake up in the same position that I fell asleep in and turn around so that I'm facing Brendon. My movement wakes him up and his eyes slowly open. "Good morning," he says when he looks at me. I smile but don't respond.

"I feel like I could sleep forever. I'm so glad we don't have school this week," he says through a yawn. "We don't have school this week?" I question. He nods and reminds me that this upcoming week is spring break. "Oh," I say and close my eyes, trying to go back to sleep. "Ashley," Brendon says. I sleepily reply "mmhmm?" Brendon touches my chin so I open my eyes and look at him. His face is serious. "I think we should go back to Arizona for spring break, so you can say your peace." I start to panic at the thought of going back. It makes me feel sick to my stomach just the thought, but I know he's probably right. Going back might be a good idea. However I'm still a bit reluctant.

"Plane tickets this close to the travel date would be really expensive." I tell him, trying to convince him to forget this idea. "Then we'll drive," he says, determined to get me on board with his plan. "Won't that take like forever?" I ask. At this he reaches over me and grabs his phone and types in "travel time" from Chicago to Phoenix, anf it comes out to just over a day. If we take one day in between travel time to sleep, then the trip should take a day and a half there and a day and a half back. "What about money and food?" I say, still trying to show him that this isn't the greatest plan. "I have like $4000 saved from working." He really does have everything thought out.

"If we leave tonight, we'll have three days in Arizona before we come back. I've never been, so maybe you can show me some of your favorite places before we com back home." I think about his offer for a few more seconds before finally I give in. "Fine. We can go to Arizona." Brendon smiles and wraps me in his arms. "I know we aren't going because of the best circumstances, but I think we can have a good time," he tells me, trying to help me ease into the idea of going back home.

At 1 pm, I go to my room and pack my bags. It's bound to be extremely hot in Arizona at this time of year, so I make sure to pack anything I have for summer. I'm completely ready to go at 5, so I check in with Brendon.

He's ready to go as well, but was working on typing a very convincing letter as to where we went to leave for Rick and Jodie. At 7 P.M. sharp, we're both entirely ready to go so we get our bags and walk out to the garage. We're bound to go through some pretty severe weather changes as we drive, so Brendon puts up the roof of his car before we drive away. We put all of our things into the trunk, and then leave. Once away from the house, I look over at Brendon and laugh to myself, realizing that he still has faint purple on his face from the dye.

"Were you born in Illinois?" I ask Brendon after 10 minutes of driving. "No, I was born in Utah. I moved here when I was two." He says. "What about you?" He asks me. "I lived in the same house my entire life, all the way up until I moved here." Brendon looks over at me and takes my hand in his. "Must have been quite an extreme change." I nod. "I was a lot different when I came here than I am now," I tell him, thinking back to the day on the hill and the afternoons I spent day dreaming about kissing him, but also how much better of a person I am now that I'm here.

We drive in silence for 20 more mintues before I speak. "I miss my mom and dad," I say abruptly.

"What were they like?"

"They were wonderful. But I kind of ruined that when know what I'm talking about." Brendon shakes his head and says, "I can't believe they just disowned you. I mean I'm not complaining because now I get you, but isn't that a bit harsh?"

I shake my head. "I used to think it was harsh too, but I think what they did was right. No matter what they tried I wouldn't listen to them and nothing I did was what they wanted. There was no better path for me." At this, Brendon surprisingly starts laughing.

"What's so funny?" I ask. "I just can't imagine you sneaking out and drinking and smoking weed all the time, it's just not how I've ever known you." I think about it for a second, then I laugh too. I'm so different from that now. "Maybe you can talk to your parents when we get to Arizona, make things right with them," Brendon suggests. "Maybe," I tell him, just so he doesn't continue to try and convince me.

I fall asleep after an hour or two of driving. When I wake up, I don't recognize any of our surroundings. "Where are we?" I ask groggily. "I think we're in Kansas," Brendon tells me. I look around and see that we're in a small town. I look at my phone, which tells me that it's about 4 am. "I think we should pull over and sleep for the night," Brendon tells me. I nod in agreement.

We come to a stop at a dirty looking motel. "I'm gonna go get us a room," Brendon says, getting out of the car. He come back about 10 minutes later with a key. We grab our small backpacks that we packed for overnight stays like this and head into the room.

The room is pretty nice compared to the outside of the motel. There's a queen bed in the center of the room with a boxy tv in front of it, most likely from the 90's, and a small bathroom. I set down my bag on the bed after I grab my toothbrush and go into the bathroom. After I've brushed my teeth, I change into my pajamas and put away my stuff. Then I crawl into bed with Brendon, grateful that I have his warmth in the cold of the room.

AN// I kinda feel like no one even reads this anymore :(
*edit: you guys are actually so sweet, I take it back*

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