Chapter 3 - The Visit (Editted)

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Third's P.O.V

"Thank you for accepting our proposal, Princess Amyra." The Emperor said kindly as Amyra replied,

"It's our pleasure having you, your Majesty."

The King slightly awed at the princess witness turned to his sons and faced princess to introduce them. The two red-head on the right eyed her from the corner of their eyes while pretending to look around.

"These are the prince of Kou. Kouen, the first imperial prince." The first one who went out bowed at his father's introduction. Amyra observed that he must be 2 or 3 years older than her.

"Koumei, the second imperial prince." The long haired red head bowed as he holds a fan to his hands. 'Oh my~ I thought he's a girl.'. The same age as hers.

"Kouha, the third imperial prince." The named eccentric boy by Amyra bowed grinning. 'I'm older for a year than him.'

"It's a pleasure meeting the imperial princes. I, Princess Amyra, First Princess of Dravian Country welcomes you to our small country." Loud hooves suddenly erupted as white palomino horses walked pulling an elegant carriage. Amyra led out her hands to the carriage and motioned them to inside. The Kou royalties, went inside without further complaints as Amyra adressed to her retainers and disperesed leaving her tutor and one girl beside her.

Amyra entered the carriage as the tutor and the girl went to the front with the driver and instructed the horses. Amyra silently sat on her seat as the imperial princes are looking around. The Third emperial prince named Kouha turned to her curiousedly.

"Ne Princess~ I'm wondering~" Kouha said in a sing-song voice and continued, " What are those for?"

Kouha pointed at the lanterns at the sides with different designs and structures. Amyra smiled as she remembered what's coming.

"It's for the annual Dravia Lantern Festival." Amyra stated as the 3rd Imperial Prince looked at her confused.

"It has been a tradition of the Dravia Country to uphold the Lantern Festival. It's the royal bloodline's way of saying 'I'll always be watching you wherever you are' to the country that Queen Khione established many years ago." Amyra explained to the confused boy.

Kouha slightly mamnage to get it and looked around the bustling village of the country. Amyra smiled mentally as she thought, 'Perhaps I'll enjoy this tour..'


"This will be your lodging during your stay..." An elegant japanese-like mansion stood before them as they went out of the carriage doors. Amyra watched as her company eyed their 'temporary' lodging.

'Well, at least during their stay....'
Amyra thoughts as she covered it with a smile. She let the King and Princes in to the huge mansion as her tutor a retainer walked behind them.

"There are many rooms inside the mansion so feel free to choose from whatever you like."

Amyra eyed the oldest who seemed to still continued ignoring her presence as Amyra twitched mentally.

'I'm not talking to you, little princess.....' The oldest prince's voice rang to her mind at the carriage earlier.

'To think I'll have to tour this kind of prince!' Amyra mentally shouted in dismay.

Amyra's P.O.V

I watched the three prince in the corner of my eyes as we walk on the halls of the Blue Lady Mansion.

The Blue Lady Mansion is one of the Famous Lodging here in Dravian because of its elegant and peculiar aura that surrounds it. But it seems that only Prince Kouha and Prince Koumei appreciates it, even if all I got is a look of awedness on the eyes of Prince Koumei. Prince Kouha, meanwhile voice his thoughts loudly and speak on what's on his mind.

Only Prince Kouen stayed in ignoring my presence making me sigh, 'And here i thought I'll enjoy this...'

I stopped infront of the huge doors that leads to another room. I kinda have the feeling that one of them is gonn like what's inside so I first went here. To the Library...

"This is the Mansion's Library. It contains almost all of the books throughout the seven seas that the country got. Feel free to read here."

The door opened as I literally saw Prince Koumei's eyes twinkled in excitement and dashed inside before I uttered any more word. I blinked at the speed as Prince Kouha laughed at his brother.

"Seriously, he dashed when he heard its free to read. Mei hardly leave the library back at the empire!!" Kouha pouted as Prince Kouen entered the room too. I giggled at Kouha's face.

"If you have any question, you can ask me.." I said loudly knowing that the two princes inside heard it. I walked far away from the Library as I can feel the youngest prince's foot steps on my trail.

"Prince Amyra~" Prince Kouha called in his cheerful tone making me turn back to him. Aww, he's so cute!!

"You can call me Syzelle, prince kouha.."

"Eh? Why?" I saw question mark above his head as he tilted his head cutely.

"My whole name is Amyra Syzelle. I actually prefere Syzelle than Amyra." I explained as I led him to the gardens. Prince Kouha grinned happily as he followed as his red-hair trailed behind.

"Then call me Kouha!! In return, I'll call you Zelle!" I giggled at his nickname on me. Oh well, perhaps Syzelle is too hard to pronounce. I smiled at Pri- i mean Kouha brightly.

"Okay then Kouha. Pleased to meet you!!" I led out my hand and he took it smiling cheerfully as he bounced jumping.

"Pleased to meet you too, Zelle!!"

I chuckled at his energy and sat down at the side as he ran to the flowers admiring the chrysanthemum that grows only on this place.

"Now that I think about it, where's my tutor and the girl?"

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