Chapter 1 - Princess Amyra (Editted)

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Third's P.O.V

"Momma!!" A ravenette haired kid hugged Queen Ysabelle making her mother chuckled softly. The 6 years old princess smiled brightly that the Queen almost got blinded because of it.

"Amyra, what have I told you about running on the hall?" Queen Ysabelle asked lowering to the princess height. Princess Amyra pouted as she saw a familiar figure behind her mother.

"Bleh~ Aziere is soo slowww~" Princess Amyra said in a sing-song voice that made her 3 years old sibling pout. Unlike the first princess, the second prince has blonde hair which he obviously got from the Queen as his father's blue eyes stared both at the Queen and Princess.

"Yow haaawwdd a wead stwawt!!" Aziere pouted cutely making her older sibling hugged the pouting boy. Queen Ysabelle watched as she watch her two precious treasures interact with each other.

Princess Amyra hugged her sibling to death and could practically see Aziere's soul moving out from his mouth. Amyra laughed sheepishly and let go of the panting boy.

"Oops~ Sowwiieee!!" Amyra stuck her tongue out and laughed at her sibling's poor state. Queen Ysabelle unconsciously pat her stomach watching her kids.

Princess Amyra's attention shifted to her mother who is patting her stomach. She smiled brightly as she pat her mother's stomach too.

"Momma, i'm gonna be a sister again?" The Queen's eyes widened at her oldest's words. She smiled and nodded making the princess cheer.

"Hear thwat Aziere?? Yow gowwa be a bwothew too!!" Amyra twirled the happy boy who nodded cheerfully. The Queen watched amusedly at her kids that danced infront of her.

'They're really blessings. Thank you for giving me kids like them.'


"Fawther!!!" The King's head whipped at the sound of her oldest voice. He found the ravenette kid infront of him looking ethusiastic.

"Fwather can I cowme twoo?" Her tongue rolled making her father chuckled. Guno, the king's assistant stepped up an immediately tried to stop the princess but the kid ignored him.

"I wanna swee thwe kwingdwom!!" Princess Amyra's eyes brimmed with tears as she looked to her father tearfully. The King laughed and patted his oldest's hair.

"Guno, you should know by now that she got the queen's stubbornness." Guno winced at the word and sighed, "Once she made up her mind, you wouldn't be able to change it."

The King turned to his oldest and led his hands which the princess' took without any hesitation. The tears on her eyes are now gone and you can't find any trace of it there. Guno sighed at his loss and watched as the king let the princess in first before going in to the carriage.


"Waaaahh!! So this is a market place!!" The princess' eyes widened in excitement as she looked around from the carriage. The town folks are either busy buying, selling things or walking to their destination.

The carriage soon came to an abrupt stop as someone opened the carriage doors. Princess Amyra went out excitedly with the king in tow amused at her oldest's reaction.

Princess Amyra looked at her surroundings to find all the stores infront of her. Beautiful Kimonos, expensive dresses and perfumes, pretty hair ornaments are lined up infront of her. The King chuckled as he watched her daughter stared at the metal ornaments on the table.

"Do you want one, Amyra?" The king asked expecting the kid to point at the glittering jewelries at the corner but the princess instead pointed at the metal armlet beside it.

The King chuckled before he told the seller, "I'll take those silver armlet for my daughter." The seller happily did what the King ordered of him ad let the princess wear the purchased ornament.

"Thwank yow!!" Amyra said as she smiled brightly and looked around place once more. Amyra found a shabby looking store at the far corner as her curiousity rises. The six year old Princess went in and found herself surrounded by cobwebs and spiders.Her gaze wandered around as Amyra's eyes locked at the corner of ther room where she only found a old looking metal fan that looked like its been there for a century.

Princess Amyra ran to the sleeping seller on the chair and waked the seller up, "Excwuse mwe!!" The princess poked the sleeping form that looled undisturbed at her actions.the princess pouted and decided to push the sleeping vendor off the chair.

"Ha!!" The vendor fell of the chair loudly waking him up. His gaze went to the six year old kid standing infront of him as she held the metal fan to her hands.

"What do you want, brat?" The vendor's voice is deep and dangerous but Princess Amyra kept her expressionless facade.

"How much is this fan?" The vendor's gaze went to the metal fan and yawned before going back to his chair to sleep.

"I'm not selling it."

"Waah....?" The princess begun to protest but the vendor beat her up to it. "Take it if you want it. I don't need it." Princess Amyra's eyebrows rose and smiled before running away holding the fan leaving the vendor behind.

"Princess Amyra!!! Where have you gone of to?" Guno asked as Amyra reached the carriage. The King is still on the colorful tent at the other side as soldiers guard around it

"I just went to the store over th-" Amyra's eyes widened to find the shabby shop gone. The only shappy on the street is gone leaving no trace behind. Confusion reached her mind as she looked at the fan on her hands.

"Princess Amyra!! Tell me where you've gone!!"

*Queen Ysabelle's Look with her long blonde hair

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