Chapter 31 -

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"Nobuyuki, for trust and happiness...." I muttered. " Honestly, I don't know it myself. I'm very confused and the only thing that is on my mind now is that I'll never find my own happiness."

"That's so unlike you, Syzelle. Why would you even think that? Didn't you now how many you have made to smile?"

I looked at Nobuyuki with a helpless smile on my face. " Thank You for your Visit, Nobu...."

"Didn't you know that he didn't give up looking for you?"


Syzelle's P.O.V

"I knew that." I mutters under my own breathe.

"Then why?"

I closed my eyes at his question. " Nobu-kun, there are many things about me that you still haven't known." I looked up at the sky longing. " I have many things going in my mind that you won't even start to imagine. I nothing but a wandering soul without any one to turn to."

"You are still you Nobu-kun. You haven't experience anything yet that will change your life." I walked to the nearby flowers on my left. " I've seen countless things, betrayals, deaths, sadness, pains, ........"

"How would you experience something like that when you're in this situation Syzelle? What are you hiding to yourself?" Nobu asked as he flew next to me. "Like I said, no one had yet knew me enough to know. Only now, I am Syzelle. Who knows, I might become someone else in the coming days."

"SYZELLE!! What do you think you are thinking?! There are many people wanting to meet you. There are many people that is longing for you beside them. How can you continue being like this. Acting like you have a secret that will harm all of those around you? Is this how you show your trust to others? You make me laugh!"

The gentle clear gaze he has on his eyes are now gone. Burning with fury, He stared at me as he tries to calm his anger. "You said that you want to show my mother that she trusted the right person--"


'I want to show his mother that he did't chose wrong to give his son to me. '

"--but you're just showing to me that you are not trustworthy!"


"You probably didn't know, but a war has broken right now. You're two niece are caught in the middle of it. You've done something big this time don't you? Didn't you send them both to your friends, those two...."

"How could you let them learn under someone who they themselves doesn't know how to fix their problems?!"


"I've been watching them for a long time, Syzelle. Both masters haven't even showed up after assigning the mission to them. Is that a proper way to call a master?"


"While you are here, those two innocent girls are fighting to finish their mission. Will you not movie before they saw their value friends fall before their eyes?"


"Did you even do something when their father died?"

"enough." I said in a low tone. I could feel the my tears falling uncontrollably. I know all about theit problems. I saw it all. My sister's tears, my nieces' pains. It's bad enough that I can't gather my courage to fight and reveal myself.

"I know that I have been a horrible sister, a horrible aunt, a horrible friend....a horrible individual. I know that I am disgusting, I hid behind in this space hoping to end it all." A sharp pain bursted through my stomach.

My memories played out inside of my head. The reason why I fell in coma, reason why I lead my younger sister out of the kingdom. It''s something that I don't want her to know.

"Say, did you said that Magnoshutadt is currently on a war? with who?"

Nobu's angry eyes calmed down when he saw the streaming tears on my face. " It was supposed to be a war on two countries, but a lot may change on a battle field." I looked at him as I wiped the tears on my eyes with my robe gently. " Wait, does it mean that you will help them....?"

I gave a small smile as my hair fluttered with the wind. I guess, I have to do my aunt duties despite me still being young. " It's an adult's responsibilities to watch over the children. As an aunt, I am tasked to look after them when my sister can't."

"It's good that you have now awoken from your longtime sleep Syzelle." Nobu said in relief.

"I've been awake for a long time actually. Ever since their they started training, but because of my own cowardice, I ignored my right duties. HMP! No one shall hurt them while I am still alive!" 

"You'll tell me the current information while we journey towards there." I said deciding not to waste any more minutes. Nobu nodded and started to stretch his wings ready to fly, while my body started to float into the air without any incantations. "Let's go."


Third's P.O.V

 " I.....I can't believe it...."

"i-impossible!! To think his highness would show himself here!!"

"B-B-brother!!" Kouha sweated in his Djiin form when he saw the familiar form of his big brother in front of him standing with all his slodiers

"P-Prince Kouen!!."

  "His Excellency the General Commander!!" 

 All of the Kou soldiers cheered when they saw hope glimmering in front of them. There are too many Djiins surrounding them and their prince Kouha ran out of his Mgoi to fight. Thankfully, their prince Kouen arrived and saved them.

Kouen gazed below from his carpet as he ordered his soldiers, " En Shou, Li Seishuu, Shuu Kokuton, Gaku Kin, If the enemies are too much for the others, we will deal with them through our strength."


Third's P.O.V.

"LY-CHAN!!! BEHIND YOU!!" Lyra dodged the attack that the black Djiin made for her. With a slash of her twin swords, the Djiin was sliced in to two, while Ryna waved her spear to attack the upcoming Black Djiin for them.

"Can you still stand Ryna?" Lyra asked as soon as she caught her breathe. Ryna grinned and wiped the dirt on his face with her sleeves.  "Geez....I wonder where master is at a time like this."

Lyra nodded in response and striked down another Djiin. Ryna spotted another civilian about to get crushed by the dark Djiins foot, She picked up her pace and ran very fast that her form could be vaguely seen on her way to save the civilians.

"Reckless, once again." Lyra said shaking her head while smiling before she ran after her twin sister. " Wait up, Idiot. Don't just charge without a plan."

"You don't need a plan to strike down these brainless Idiots, Ly-chan....just watch me." Ryna grinned again and jumped high as she readied her sword to attack the Djiin. Lyra sighed and took the civilian child out of the harm's way, before Ryna's strike sliced up the Djiin. The body fell piece by piece hardly on the ground makiing Ryna scratched her head as Lyra bored her gaze towards her intently.

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