Chapter 40

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The puzzled look on his friends face was very evident. I sighed, this is gonna be a long one. "Aladdin do you mean that it is located in another star? I think that our world is just one of many celestial bodies."

Aladdin gave out a small smile, " You're amazing Uncle. You have already considered such a possibility...but it's not like that."

I sighed, " What Aladdin means is that it is like a mirror. Even if inside the mirror there is a world, we won't be able to reach it. This world and the other world could prosper and be destroyed without coming in contact with each other." The look that all of them gave to me is disturbing but I ignored all of them even En's gaze on me.

Thankfully, Aladdin decided to intervene, " Yes, right now there are a lot of these worlds somewhere out there!!" The illusions have started to get stronger as various of images appeared before us. 

Third's P.O.V.


"I feel like I understand....but it also feels like I didn't understand anything at all."

"I didn't understand anything!!"

All sides have various reactions in their side as Mei could clearly see their older brother grinning and enjoying himself at the new knowledge that he is currently gaining. Syzelle meanwhile, from Mei's current eye view, seems to be currently harboring a quite dangerously quite atmosphere to herself.

'Is something wrong with elder sister?' Mei couldn't help but ask himself but then shaked his thoughts since he's been falling by the blue magi's lecture.

"Well, the creator of this world sent us here." Aladdin said 

"...the creator?"

"That's right." Aladdin nodded. " There's a person who made the world as it is now. He made it so things would fall toward bottom, that there would be sky and earth. He controls all of the rukh. He is the 'God' who created the divine providence of this world. He is the man called King Solomon."

Kouen gave out a reaction at the sudden mention of the name, " King Solomon!!"

"The master of the Djiins...Who the hell is he!!? The supreme ruler of the world as reported in the toran inscriptions." Syzelle had a blank look on her face. 

'Brother Solomon...' Syzelle couldn't help but think in her thoughts. The moment that she had regained consciousness in this world, various of memories had rushed into her like water into her brain nonstop. She was only 3 at that time when her small body caught a heavy fever that lasted for almost a weak. Her parents, the king and the queen were very worried sick and always visit her if not for their royal duties. Her siblings are forbidden from visiting her in fear of getting the same illness of the sick Syzelle.

'I would not mistake it. The princess Syzelle of that time had died due to the fever and I replaced her soul. It was at time when changes had been noticed by the servants.' 

Nightmares has always followed her of the time when she was still in the Alma Toran. The place where her sister died in the hands of the traitor. She wouldn't forget the look of triumph that woman had when she successfully fulfilled her plans.

"Hmp...just your wait."

"Psstttt......Syzelle-chan~" The sudden voice that traveled through the air startled Syzelle in the middle of her thoughts. "Is little chibi-san really going to tell them the Taboo?"

"I'm afraid that I can't stop him after he already set his mind into it Agares-kun." Syzelle gave out a nostalgic sigh and look at the blue-haired magi at the center. ".....The fruit doesn't fall too far from the tree."

Syzelle looked up and saw that the illusion now is showing the event wherein Solomon has took the position of being the King in Alma Toran. Her eyes watered but didn't fall seeing the laughing and smiling look of her friends in the illusions.

'Oh yeah, then that means that...' Syzelle's eyes narrowed at the sudden appearance of a dark-haired woman carrying a staff in her hands as she bowed to the crowned king. Ithnan gazed from a far and turned to look at Ugo and another dark-haired woman hiding beside him. A pang of sadness hitted Syzelle's chest as she look at the woman.

Syzelle could only gaze at the down look on the woman's face as she stood still in her place.  Aladdin muttered some words for the others as a warning and Syzelle didn't bother to listen as she continued to look at her sister's figure. In the distance, Syzelle could see her past self staring at her sister's figure just like what she is currently doing now, she couldn't help but sigh and thought, ' make it look like nothing has change since then.'

'The scene that Aladdin is now showing is when Solomon nii-san had found Arba nee-chan. She was locked in a tall tower because she was being used as the magoi storage. the veins are clinging on her weakened body as she desperately carried her staff on her arms protecting it from the upcoming Solomon nii-san.'

Syzelle couldn't help but feel herself from smirking at the two forces in front of her. Without anyone knowing, Syzelle's eyes darkened as a million thoughts flooded through her brain.

Lyra's P.O.V 

" Hey Nobu-san, who long have you known our aunt?" I glanced at my twin sister, Ryna talking to the beautiful man beside her. Truthfully, it was funny that this man's appearance keeps on changing for a reason that he thinks that he looked too plain after a day. This man's real form is a bird which had a beautiful combination of colorful colors on his wings.

"I've known her ever since I  was still little. I think she was on her late-teens then together with that stoic red-haired man beside her that always kept on sticking on her side."

Ryna snickered as if hearing a funny joke. " Sounds like that red-haired prince alright."

" Something just bothers me though..." Even though Nobu had kept a quiet voice when he muttered that, We both still caught his mutters.

"What is it?" 


Looking at the eager face of Ryna, I couldn't help but shake my head at this stupid sister of mine. I'm pretty sure I know what that Nobu is currently thinking in his head. " I couldn't think how you two are twins. One is like that Syzelle and one is like that stoic prince."

"How rude!!!!" In the end, I have to restrain my twin from killing this man as she is currently blowing with anger from her fuse.

It was just like any other day when we're Nobu. Not one of us thought about the upcoming danger that is currently heading on our way. A storm that every side had been affected.

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