Chapter four

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Chapter 4

Night came and I was lying on the floor, trying to go to sleep, but the hard splintery floor was giving me trouble. I turned over and closed my eyes, few long moments later I was suddenly in the air then I was on a bed. I turned over and saw Bryce in his boxers getting to bed with his back turned to me.

I let out a small smile, "Thanks," I whispered.

"Uh huh," he said resting his head on the pillow.

The night finally turned peaceful and I was no longer uncomfortable sleeping with Bryce.

It was sunlight that woke me up and something very chilly. I was puzzled and I opened my eyes and I was staring straight at Bryce's neck. I backed up my head and saw my arms were around him and our legs were intertwined and his arm was around my waist.

The words 'Lover's Embrace' suddenly came into mind. I let go of him and I scoot back. I gently grabbed his arm and lifted and placed it at his side. The legs were going to be difficult. The right leg was easy to get back, but the left was going to be difficult. I gently slid backward and my left leg was out of one of his, I slid sideways towards the wall and at last my leg came free.

I crawled forward and slid off of the bed and into the bathroom. I changed clothes even though there was no point... I couldn't go anywhere.

Three more days went by and Bryce was acting more and more weird. He was trying to distance from me. Which to me were half relief and half hurt.

I got up and then I tripped over my bed and landed on the floor with a thump.

"Ow," I groaned and I saw on the floor my best friend ever.

My silver cell phone gleamed in the sunlight.

"Ah ha ha ha," I laughed excited and I grabbed it.

"We are so out of this hellhole," I said flipping my phone.

I dialed the taxicab company, I memorized it while I was on the bus ride, but there was no signal.

After an hour of walking around the cabin I finally got a signal and I dialed again.

The phone rang and a brute voice answered, Hello, Taxicab Company."

"Hello, yes I need a taxicab in..." The phone beeped and I looked at the phone and the battery was dead.

"DAMN IT!!!" I shouted throwing my phone.

I wanted to hit someone or something, I looked at Bryce blinded with fury. I swung my fist at him but he ducked and my fist collided with the helpless window. With a shatter and I felt rips as the glass shredded my hand.

"Ah," I hissed and looking at my bleed hand.

A low growl sounded the cabin and I spun around to see Bryce crouching, his eyes were blood red.

"Bryce, why is your eyes red?" I asked scared.

Bryce snarled, his eyes glued to my bleeding hand. He bared his teeth and two long fangs.

"Bryce?" I said.

He snarled and leaped at me, I spun to the side and Bryce crashed into the locked door breaking it down instantly. While he was on the floor recovering I rushed outside and ran for dear life. I brushed the branches aside and I ran and I heard this rattling that kept getting louder. There was a sudden pain on my thigh and I tripped.

"Ahhh," I screamed and I rolled down the hill and I finally rolled to a stop with a great slash as my head stopped in the river. I lost consciousness.

Bryce's POV

I gulped the last bit of the deer's blood. I dropped the carcass on the ground. Flashes of memories of me almost attacking Maria were vivid and scary. I immediately scent out the area. I found faint scent of Maria's blood and I followed it zooming. I was at a top of a hill and I saw Maria in the river unconscious and my heart thudding fearing the worse.

Why am I feeling this way? I thought and I zoomed to her.

She was scraped up and bloodied but other wised still very alive. Maria's red hair was flowing with the current of the river. Bryce sighed and bent down and picked her up and zoomed deeper into the woods.

Looks like I have some explaining to do, I thought.

I found a clearing and set Maria down and I sat next to her pondering how to explain things to her.

Maria's POV

I groaned awake and my eyes were blurry, I blinked several times and then Bryce face came into view. I jerked straight up staring at him remembering the red eyes and the fangs.

"Maria, I have to tell you something." Bryce said.

My hand balled into a fist and I punched him in the nose with a crunch. Bryce stumbled his nose was bleeding. I threw another punch at his stomach but he grabbed my wrist. I swung my leg, but there was burning pain and I stumbled. It felt like a bomb was detonated in my thigh.

"Ah," I groaned.

I lifted my shorts to reveal my thigh and there was two very red bite marks and then entire wound was swollen.

My vision blurred and felt myself falling backward but I never hit the ground.

Bryce POV

I caught Maria just before she hit the ground and I gently laid her there. I spit out my blood and I pinched my nose and with a quick push I fixed my broken nose.

Damn this girl can pack a punch, I thought.

I looked at the swollen wound at her leg, I recognized that wound... it was a snakebite. Rattlesnakes are popular in this region.

"Damn, can you give me a break for once?" I snapped at Maria who cannot hear me.

I spread her thigh out and I knelt next to the thigh and placed my lips over the wound and I began to suck the venom from her system.

Her blood is delicious, I thought.

I knew my eyes were red and my fangs were in her flesh.

Faster the flow, the faster I get rid of the venom, I thought.

I continued to suck her blood

Maria's POV

I was groggy from pain and my vision was blurry. I suddenly felt something chilly over my wound. Pain flared and I wanted to scream but I couldn't. My vision cleared a bit and I saw Bryce sucking my wound. I wanted to jerk away but my body felt heavy, too heavy to move. I saw his eyes glow red and I felt his fangs pierce me. A moment later, I started to feel pleasure, I was aware that his lips moved slowly against my warm thigh. I felt his hand clutched at the crook of my thigh the back of his hand touching me where no one had ever touched me. I wanted to groan in pleasure and in pain, but I was too lost to do either.

I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep. The dreams were replays of Bryce's saving kiss and his hand that was aching to do more than to hold on to my thigh.

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