Chapter six

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Chapter 6

I sighed, "Are you a vampire?" I blurted out.

His eyes flashed and he gaze became guarded and piercing.

"Yeah," he said stiffly.

I looked down, 'So its true then, I didn't dream it up, it really happened. He attacked me but then again he saved me, many times, in fact,' I thought.

"You're heart beat is not increasing... I thought it would," he mused.

I chuckled, "Even though you are the a predator, you have a good side, me continuing to live after all the klutz accidents I had, is proof of that."

His eyes lost the guarded and piercing gaze and took on a more inquisitive gaze. His green eyes shone brightly in the flickering moonlight. I cocked my head to the side waiting for him to say something, but the silence went on.

My sight blurred and I rested my head on the pillow.

"Sleep," he whispered.

My eyes obeyed him and they closed. I felt the bed shift and dipped and then I heard the flutter of the sheets. A few moments later, I felt cold arms around my waist. Inside, I smiled and relished the feeling of his arms around me... wait... what is happening to me. Since when do I like any arms around me?

The sun was setting and I woke up. Bryce's back was towards me and my arms were around his torso. I felt his cool skin against my hands and I could feel his muscular chest. I quietly removed myself from Bryce and I got up, as soon as I put weight on my injured leg, it was screaming in protest. I gritted my teeth, I went to the bathroom and changed my clothes.

'I have enough of this place,' I thought angrily.

I got my stuff together and I took out a note pad and wrote.


Thank you for saving time and time again. I am really grateful, but I'm tired of this place and as you said I'm clumsy, I'm spent more time in pain then in actual fun as my parents described. So I'm leaving, I going to return home.

I wanted to say thank you for everything you have done and for bring so fun into the place.



I folded the paper and placed it on my pillow. I leaned forward and gently kissed Bryce on the cheek. I walked out the door and into the woods. I knew where the exit of the camp is after an hour of walking I finally saw the road. I walked along side the road for two hours. The sun had long disappeared and the night air was a little chilly. Suddenly the sirens sounded through the air and I whirled to see red blue and white lights flashing and fast approaching.

I ran away from the road and into the woods, the sirens grew louder and I ran faster. The sirens finally started to sound distant and I slowed down. I heard faint sloshing and I walked through the thick shrug to see a beautiful lake. The full moon was reflected off the smooth water. I actually smiled and the scenery of the lake mesmerized me. There was movement on the other end of the lake and I gasped. Bryce was there on the other end and glaring at me... his eyes bright green with anger.

I looked down and turned around only to slam into something. I looked up and saw Bryce up close. I looked back to where he was and there was no one there.

His eyes narrowed at me and I backed away.

"How... how did you I was here?" I asked.

Bryce advanced, "Once I get very familiar with your scent, I can track it anywhere and the wind was blowing your scent right into my face," he said through gritted teeth.

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