Chapter 4

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Neverland was incredible. Amily couldn't believe she was finally seeing it, feeling it, even smelling it for real! Her dreams really had come true.

And Peter Pan made the perfect tour guide. He was charming and funny and the stories he told were addictive. Amily was sure Neverland was the place for her... and now she had one more reason to stay. With her arm looped through his she had never felt more special.

"How long have you lived here?" she asked interupting one of his many stories about adventures with the Lost Boys.

He thought about it for a second and then answered, "For as long as I can remember". Pan knew it another lie but he also knew that this girl wasn't ready to know he used to be an adult. Not yet.

"What happened?" Her voice sounded concerned as if she was expecting a sob story. Pan played along with a story he had come to know well.

"My mother abandoned me and my father was killed. Gambling debt." he wore a stony expression as he explained. Amily figured it was a difficult topic to discuss.

"I'm sorry" she squeezed his arm comfortingly and he smiled to himself.

"Don't be. I can't stand apologies" he shook his head briskly and smirked, shrugging of any awkwardness.

Amily laughed, relieved. She didn't want to start her adventures with a sad experience. There was no time for that.

"So, what kind of things do you get up to with the Lost Boys?" she asked, desperate to know of what her future life would have in store for her.

"Well, dear Amily." he said looking sideways at her with a playful smile "You'll have to wait and see.


Pan was delighting in his new game. He was having so much fun! Things had been so boring lately on the island. Everyday was the same. Hunt, fly, taunt, swim maybe, then play his pipe while the boys danced until one by one they fell asleep. It was the life he had always wanted but now that he had it needed some spice. It needed something new. A shiny new piece to play with.

When the two of them arrived at the camp the boys were busily sharpening weapons or play-fighting. No-one looked up as they entered and Amily was a little anxious. She had forgotten about the legendary wildness of Neverland that Peter had talked about so passionately. She eyed their weapons fearfully. Pan let her arm drop to her side and walked into the centre of the camp confidentally. Standing tall on a tree stump he called his boys attention.

"My brothers!" every boy's head snapped to attention and they all stood up.

"I would like to welcome someone new to our island. Amily" he gestured Amily forward and grabbed her hand to hold it up high.

"She is our sister now and our special guest. This is the first time we have had a real girl set foot on our island and into this camp!" the boys all looked at each other and sniggered.

Amily knew that look from her own brothers, they were sizing her up like prey.

"I'll how them" she thought. "No boy will mess with me"

 But with the thought of her own brothers lingering in her mind, a sad feeling of guilt washed over her. She wished they were here with her now.

"How about a game to truly introduce you to everyone?" Amily realised Pan was looking at her now with his intense green eyes. She smiled, feeling cocky, and raised her chin.

"Sure. Just don't go easy on me" she winked at Peter and cocked her head at the boys. They all laughed. Amily was surprised at her sudden confidence.

"Felix, get her a weapon" said Peter, nodding to a tall boy standing to his right. He had a cruel glint in his eye as he sauntered over to where the weapons were stacked. He gestured Amily over with a flick of his head.

She maintained her look of arrogant confidence but walked over cautiously. She was relieved when Pan strode over to join them.

"You'll need to change" he said briskly.

Just now did Amily really notice how inappropriately she was dressed. The shadow had taken he straight after she had woken from sleep. She was still in her night-gown!

"I- I'm afraid I don't have anything else" Amily was so embarrassed and could feel the blood rush to her cheeks.

As if something she had said was hilariously funny both boys burst out laughing and Pan punched her, not at all gently, on the shoulder.

"I forgot you're not from here" Within an instant he was no longer in front of her but behind her, whispering in Amily's ear.

"Neverland is a place of dreams and imagination. It's a place where wishes come true and if you believe in it, anything is possible" Amily could feel his breath on her neck and, with Felix still watching looking a tad amused, closed her eyes to truly take in what Pan was saying.

"Just think about what you really want and it will come to you" he said this part even quieter this time and Amily forced back a shiver.

In her mind she conjured up an image of the perfect outfit for such an occasion as she was expecting. Loose fitting clothes, not unlike the ones Pan was wearing, but those fit for a lady such as herself. With soft leather boots and bracelets. In the back of her head Amily heard something like a sigh.

"Amily, open your eyes" she heard Peter say in her ear.

Slowly she did as he said and looked down at herself. The exact clothes she had imagined had replaced her drab night-gown. They fitted perfectly and were very comfortable. Even her hair was tied up into a messy pony-tail with a strap of leather. Feathers were woven into her auburn locks and they stretched down her shoulder, making her look all the more wild. Pan could see Amily's eyes light up with wonder.

"That's incredible!" she said and he chuckled quietly.

"Go on Felix" Pan looked at Felix expectantly and he nodded, shuffling through the stack of weapons.

"A dagger for your belt" he said, handing it hilt-up to Amily. She inserted it into the allotted space in her belt with ease.

"Which are you more comfortable with?" Felix held up a bow in one hand and a long-sword in another.

"I've never shot before" she said. He nodded, understanding, and handed her the long-sword. Amily grasped the hilt.

"How does it feel?" asked Pan. He was looking at her with an expression of gleeful anticipation.

Amily held the sword vertically in front of her face with two hands. It was surprisingly light and power surged through her. She swooshed it around, faking a battle, and felt ready for anything.

"It feels...right" she said and lowered the sword. Pan smiled, satisfied.

"But what game would we play that could possibly involve fighting?" asked Amily innocently.

Peter put his hand on her back and guided her away as Felix helped the other boys prepare.

"It's quite simple really. The boys and I split up to all directions of the island and hide. The objective of the game is to make it back to the camp alive."

"Alive?" she giggled but doubt clouded her mind. "You don't really hurt each other do you?"

Pan cocked his head and raised one eyebrow. His face was utterly serious.

"That depends" he said cryptically.

"On what?" asked Amily.

"On how much we all want to survive"

On that note Pan winked slyly and moved back to his tree stump to make another announcement.

"Alright boys! Let's play!"

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