Chapter 7

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Amily, at first, slept peacefully that night. She didn't dream of home or her father.  She dreamt of clouds and wind,  flying high above Neverland with nothing but sky ahead.  It was wonderful.  And then suddenly there was a prescence next to her.  Pan was flying beside her now and even in the dream Amily felt nervous.  He smiled with that warm intense smile and lush green eyes and even in the dream the butterflies in her stomach fluttered wildly. 

Dream-Amily tore her gaze away from the boy's and looked down only to find that the scene had changed.  Instead of looking at the beautiful island that was Neverland she gazed down at her little old village. Amily frowned, she did not want to be there. Even in a dream.

She looked over at Pan and gone was that charming debonair smile.  In its place was a cruel grin, one filled with malevolence and hate.  Then, and Amily didn't know how it was possible, the dream got even stranger.

"The question is, what do you want? "

Pan's mouth formed the words but the shadow's voice came out.

Amily screamed as her little village below her was engulfed in flame and Pan's crooning voice was all she could hear.

"Amily, Amily,  Amily...." he repeated her name over and over and, partially awake now,  she shook herself violently to be rid of the dream.

"Amily. Amily,  wake up."

Someone was shaking her shoulder now, not roughly, but firmly enough to force her upright in shock.

Peter Pan was kneeling next to her...bed? She recalled dancing in front of the fire with the Boys, laughing,  hollering and cheering but she had no recollection of being tucked in.

She didn't remember where she had fallen but somehow Amily had ended up in a bed. She looked around in confusion and felt slightly afraid for some unknown reason.

"I carried you here" said Pan as though it was obvious.

"Carried me?  From where?"

"After dancing like you did last night," he raised his eyebrows once,  playfully before continuing. "You sat down on a log next to the fire and feel asleep."

"I-I ha-I had a bad dream" Amily sputtered,  the effects of the dream still lingering.

"I know. I went on a morning hunt with the Boys and we heard you screaming"

"Wha-where am I?" she almost screamed the question.

Pan looked bored yet Amily could've detected the slightest hint of concern in his eyes. Perhaps she was imagining it.  But either way she was touched.

"Get up.  We're going to hunt and you're coming" there was no arguing with that. Amily shot out of bed and realised that her loose clothes from the day before had vanished only to be replaced back to her old, drab night-gown. 

"Don't worry you just need practice" Amily assumed he was referring to the ability to make her clothes stay for longer. She prayed she'd get better at that.  She couldn't have her clothes disappearing mid-hunt.

Quickly she wished for some hunt-ready clothes and, getting exactly what she wanted, she had enough time to really look at where Pan had taken her. It could've been a regular hut if not so far off the ground. From inside the room she could see the canopy of the jungle. The inside of the room was quite bare. There was a simple bed, a chest of drawers and a mirror. Amily supposed that if she wanted to add more things to it she only had to wish them up. Outside the room was a balcony that had a simple woven cane chair and a ladder that led down to the jungle floor.

"Amily we are leaving in 30 seconds. Hurry up" said Pan's voice from the bottom of the ladder.

Amily quickly looked down at herself to check that she was suitably dressed and ran towards the ladder. Looking down, she noticed the Lost Boys staring back up at her from the ground but Pan was no where to be seen. She gave them a confused look and started to make her way down the ladder, looking around as she went for the Lost Boys' leader.

"What you looking for?" said a voice from behind her. Behind her? Couldn't be... she was 20 feet high up on this ladder.

Adjusting her footing slowly she turned around to see Peter Pan floating easily in the air with his arms crossed. He had an amused smirk on his face and rolled his eyes when he noticed Amily's widened ones.

"How are you doing that?" she asked breathlessly.

"Didn't I tell you? On Neverland anything is possible" Pan floated around, showing off, before settling on the ground next to his brothers. Amily made her way quickly down the ladder, eager for what this hunt had in store for her.


"It's time you learned to shoot. It's a skill every Lost Boy... or girl... needs to develop" Pan said this as he handed her bow and a quiver filled with arrows.

Amily was nervous. Close-up combat was one thing, but shooting something was in a completely different league. She examined the bow and grimaced already knowing that shooting was going to be a problem. Even at the simple sports Amily would play back at the village her aim was terrible. 

 "Look I already know that I'm going to be useless at hunting so maybe I could learn something else instead. Like how to trap things?"

Pan was crouching on the ground nearby with Felix now, discussing something in low voices. Without looking at her he said,

"You need to learn to shoot. No discussion" and that was all. There was not another word said on the matter.

Amily tested the bow in her hands to see how it felt. It fit nicely but she wasn't sure how nice things would go once it actually had an arrow nocked. Sighing, she slung it across her back and walked over to Pan and Felix.

"What exactly are we hunting anyway?" asked Amily. Both boys ignored her.

"Pan... do you think it's really him?" said Felix with a look of doubt on his face.

"Oh there's no doubting it. I've had a feeling he would show up for a awhile now and this proves it. I trust neither you nor the boys or our new guest" He looked up at Amily and smiled politely before finishing "could've been sneaking rum onto the island" Pan kicked something with his boot and Amily was shocked to find it was an empty, glass bottle.

"What does this mean?" she asked, wondering who could have possibly left a bottle on the ground this close to the tree-house she had slept in.

Pan grinned from ear to ear like he had just recieved some exciting news.


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