Chapter 17

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~Hey guys, this is where the prologue fits into the story. So you don't have to go back and read it I've put it below so it fits well with the current direction the storyline is heading. Plus, including this one, I've uploaded 3 chapters today! Apologies if I'm overloading you with Neverland goodness, I thought I'd get it all up before school got in the way : ) ~

Amily ran. Through her panic she realized how well she knew the forest and how easy it was to navigate and avoid stumbling. She guessed it was just one of the many things that had changed since she had come to Neverland.

She could hear the whooshing of a certain somebody flying above her. He seemed to be giving her a head start. Through that and the sound of her running feet, twigs snapping beneath her, Amily could hear the whooping and tribal cheering that was the Lost Boys gaining steadily.

"This is a game to them"  she thought to herself.

Something dived next to her only to climb quickly back into the sky and she could smell the scent that she thought she knew as well as her own. Wood, nettles and pine needles. Pan was taunting her.

The sprinting footsteps behind her quickened and Amily turned her head. Through the thickness of bushes and shrubbery she could see Felix running effortlessly, a cruel smile on his face. He winked as if knowing there was no escape.

Which, Amily figured, there probably wasn't. Pan had said himself, no one gets off the island without permission. But there was no way she wouldn't try. She could not, would not, stay here. Not a chance. 

As if thrown into some adrenaline filled craze, the boys behind her hollered excitedly. Amily could hear a chuckle coming from above her. It didn't sound as far away as she thought.

Her heart had lept into her throat and all other thoughts abandoned her but one. Escape. She had to escape. Forcing what energy she had left into her tired legs she pushed forward, not giving in. The excitement and gleeful apprehension felt by all around her was so sickly vibrant, it was as if she could feel it wrapping around her like a net.

A hysterical giggle erupted out of Amily as she heard her chasers footsteps begin to slow down. This was it! She was finally free. Even the sound of Pan flying overhead had ceased and all was quiet. She couldn't stop running, not now. Even though the boys had given up no where was safe until the sun came up. 

The feeling of freedom and victory disappeared as though it never existed when Amily felt hands atop her shoulders, hauling her into the air. Once high enough off the ground the hands let go letting Amily plummet to the ground. A small fall, but high enough. She hit the ground hard and hated the dizzy, dazed feeling that followed. Shaking her head free of it she rubbed her eyes, stunned. 

Above her stood at least 6 Lost Boys, Felix included.

He nodded to someone standing behind her and Amily let out a scream. Her attempt to scramble off the ground and fight her way free was cut short when a sharp pain was felt at the back of her head. And then there was only darkness.

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