Chapter 20

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~ Last chapter guys! Be excited!! ~

Charlie came every day after that, bringing food and water aplenty and Amily's strength gradually began to return. She felt stronger every day. Charlie also bought news of whatever was happening back at the camp. Pan kept on lashing out, There were fewer Lost Boys everyday.

But surprisingly Charlie remained. He had cuts and bruises all over his face but he managed to survive Peter Pan's rage.

"I fink even Felix is noticing Pan's behavya. But he doesn't do a damn thing about it" Charlie spoke fast because he didn't have time to say much.

The whole camp was leaving for a game of Capture the Flag in ten minutes and he had to hurry. Amily knew it was difficult for him to come everyday as well as sneaking food and water and she wished she had someway to protect him from inside the cage. There was a sinking feeling in her heart that knew that Pan would kill Charlie some day. Charlie was a good hunter and he kept to himself and didn't get in much trouble. But he was still some what a threat to Pan's strict disciples that were his Lost Boys.

"I've gotta go now, Ammi. I'll be back tomorrow" Amily wasn't sure if he spoke too fast to say Amily properly or that they had gotten to the nicknames stage of their friendship. Charlie clasped her hand before running back down the beaten path from the cages.

Amily was left alone and she did the only thing that she could really do anymore. She slept.


Running footsteps woke her and Amily looked around in alarm.

"Hello?" Her voice was less croaky now and she almost sounded intimidating.

The footsteps quickened. They didn't sound very far away.

"Who's there?" Amily's voice was frantic now. Who was running to her?

"Charlie, is that you?" As if on cue, Charlie emerged from the bushes and ran toward her cage skidding to a stop on his knees.

"Amily- I - I tried to stop them. I couldn't- I'm sorry-" He was out of breath from running so much. Amily was confused and concerned.

"What? Charlie, what's wrong?"

"They're coming Amily! Pan's coming with Felix and two other Boys. Them cruel ones they are, I know it. I don't know what they're going to do to you, but it ain't good" Charlie was almost in hysterical tears, he was so frightened.

"Did they follow you?" Amily's only concern was her guardian angel. If they hurt Charlie, she didn't know what she'd do.

"I dun fink so. But they're coming for you, Amily! We've got to get you out of here" Charlie began rummaging in his cloak.

"How, Charlie? The cage is locked. Pan has the key" Amily looked at Charlie's concentrating face as he studied the cage. He looked down at her with a crazed look.

"Not anymore" Fron beneath his cloak, he pulled out a key with a twine cord for putting it around the owner's neck.

Amily spoke slowly, "Charlie. Where did you get that?"

"Swiped it from Pan while he was sleepin'. Now, come on" Charlie fumbled with the lock with shaking hands.

"They'll kill you!" shrieked Amily.

"Not if I outrun them" Charlie sounded determined but not convinced that his plan would actually work.

The cage door swung open and Amily was frozen with the thought that freedom was right in front of her. After being locked up for so long, she was free. Just like that. Despite the current situation, Amily emerged from the cage slowly. She took her time remembering the feeling of it all. The feeling of dirt beneath her was wonderful. The feeling of air that wasn't stuffed in a cage was fabulous. The first thing she did once she was out of the cage was pull Charlie into her arms.

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