Chapter 9

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When one of the lost boys, Amily supposed his name was George, sighted Pan's row boat coming back to the shore she couldn't help but be relieved. She wasn't sure how safe walking straight onto a pirate ship would be even if you were Peter Pan. But when he set foot on the sand Pan seemed perfectly fine if not better. There was a spring in his step that Amily had not noticed earlier and a lightness to his voice, even when giving orders.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" she asked on the walk back.

"Pirates always put me in a good mood." Amily didn't want to know why that was.

"So, can I ask why you walked straight onto a pirate ship? Was there a motive there or did you just fancy paying a visit to some thieving criminals?" Amily didn't know why she was being this abrupt with Pan, they were talking like they were old friends themselves.

"There was just something I needed to take care of" Pan said this sharply and the look on his face told her that that was all he was sharing on the matter.

They were walking behind the lost boys now and the ceasing in conversation made her move her attention from Pan to his 'brothers'. They all looked so happy and Amily knew this was what freedom looked like. They were free to do whatever they wanted and they had a wonderful leader to guide them. She had been here for about a day now and already she looked up to Pan as a leader. He was the symbol of freedom and rebellion and Amily felt drawn.

"Pan..." she put her hand on his arm and he stopped looking down at as if it was poisonous. Then he looked up at her, confused. She gulped.

"Thank you. For- for taking me away" her heart was beating loudly and Amily lowered her hand slowly.

"I didn't. You came here by choice" his voice was empty and his face expressionless.

She supposed this was true but that didn't change how she felt.

"But if you hadn't come to me in my dreams I never would've known..." she was whispering now and wasn't looking at Pan but knew he was looking at her.

"Amily. Look at me" It wasn't a question but an order. She did as she was told, afraid. But instead of finding disgust at her pitiful attempt at intimacy, he just looked well, normal.

"You were born for adventure and you belong here. This is your home now" He didn't say it gently or with any emotion and Amily was shocked at how true the words were as they sunk in.

Neverland really was her home now and for the first time since she got there Amily didn't miss her old life at all.

 ~Hello readers and fellow OUAT-ers! Sorry this chapter is so short but because of the events of the next chapter I thought this one just needed to be it's own chapter. I hope you guys are enjoying reading the series as much as I am enjoying writing it. Stay tuned for exciting events to come!~

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