Chapter 13

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Amily marched away from the camp, never feeling more angry. Pan was completely ignoring her! He hadn't asked any of her questions and he hadn't even told her if the pirates were a threat or not. 'They'll come to us'. Well, what on Earth does that mean?! She huffed and almost ran back to her tree house.

But not before Pan landed just where she was about to step, as if he had been following her.

"What's wrong?" His voice was flat and he didn't sound concerned. Pan sounded bored, like he really didn't care what was the matter.

"Nothing's wrong, Pan. Why ever would you ask?" Amily pushed past him, the sarcasm in her voice was sharp.

"You huffed out of the camp like your arse was on fire. Something's obviously wrong" He followed her now yet Amily sensed he was backing off, giving her space.

"Maybe go ask someone you'd rather talk to" Amily didn't have to say this loudly. Barely whispering it was enough for it to make a mark on Pan's shiny ego.

"Is that what this is about?" He sounded dully surprised and Amily almost laughed at his absurdity. She supposed all boys were like that.

Originally she had intended to run back to her tree house and sulk, hoping Pan would get the message. Now, because of her new found hostility towards all boys on the island, she decided to change course and head to the shooting range. It was just one of those times when the emotion couldn't be let out with just words. Amily just needed to kill something. Even if it wasn't alive to begin with.

Pan continued to follow, not saying anything. Lack of an answer to his last question was his cue to be silent.

Amily felt powerful wiith her bow in her hands and once she reached the shooting range there was nothing stopping her from loosing an arrow, even as she was walking towards it. She let it out with a grunt and loosed another. Arrow after arrow followed and with each one her anger just intensified tenfold. She didn't keep track of how many times she missed or hit the bulls-eye. She just shot. And boy, did it feel good.

Pan watched with sincere curiosity. He couldn't help but think that aggression looked good on this girl.

"Gee Amily, I never knew you could get this angr-"

Suddenly, all fire and rage, Amily turned with her drawstring taught and a bow aimed at Pan's heart.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Without thinking she released the drawstring.

Everything happened in an instant. All anger vanished, time slowed, regret filled her heart and it was like she could watch that arrow fly directly to Pan's heart.

And yet, it stopped. Amily blinked. The arrow stopped in mid-air, not millimetres from Pan's chest! Taking her attention off the arrow she focused on the picture in front of her.

Pan had his head tilted up and was looking down at her. He had the most smug look on his face that Amily had ever seen. In his left hand he held the arrow, still pointed at his chest.

"How'd that feel?" asked Pan. It took Amily a moment to realize he had spoken. Pure shock had enveloped her.

She was aware that her mouth was hanging open and she looked foolish. But there was no helping it. Amily just stared. Pan had caught the arrow. Or, more importantly, she had shot at him. This boy who had kissed her and held her, she had shot at him!

Amily bent over, the tears escaping her. She held herself to try to keep from shaking. Soon she was on her knees, bent over, and sobbing loudly. She barely noticed Pan come over to kneel down beside her. His face was not concerned and almost looked entertained.

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