Chapter 8

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Whilst trudging towards the beach where Amily came in with the shadow, she was lucky enough to walk up front with Pan and Felix and listen to their conversation. She was sure that they knew she was eavesdropping but they made no move to stop her listening.

"Why do you think he came back so soon?" asked Felix. The concern gone from his voice replaced cool amusement.

"No clue. But he must be desperate to come back so soon" Pan hadn't stopped grinning since he had concluded that pirates were on the island. Amily wasn't sure of that grin, it brought out the mischievous boy in him and that scared her.

"Who is he? Who are we talking about?" she asked, sick of being kept in the dark.

"Oh no-one you need to worry about. Just a certain one-handed pirate with a drinking problem"

Amily was confused at that but let it go. If he was in fact one-handed and drunk all the time then what kind of threat could he be to this island? She didn't want anyone ruining her chance at a new home.

Once they reached the bushy part before the beach, Pan turned to her and the rest of the Lost Boys.

"Nothing to worry about here, lads... and Amily" Pan bent his head in acknowledgement at her and both Amily and the Boys chuckled. "Hook and I go way back. You could say that we're business partners"

Amily didn't want to know what 'business' went on between him and some drunken pirate. Pan turned his attention directly to Amily.

"Once we reach the beach, I'll need you to stay there with the rest of the boys while Felix and I board the ship" She supposed she should've seen this coming but was nonetheless disappointed. She tried to argue but the expression on Pan's face said to not bother.

"Don't worry, it's just good business" he smiled before continuing on with Felix. Amily had no choice but to follow.


Oh yes, his new game was going nicely. Pan had time to think about his actions on the trip from the beach to the ship. He could see the Amily settling down on this beach with his boys and almost had to stifle a fit of hysterical laughter. Things were going perfectly. Amily was adjusting just right to the lifestyle and things in Neverland were exciting again!

Pan wondered how long it would be before she wanted to go home again or even if she wanted to go home. Even if she stayed forever it wouldn't be enough. Pan was having too much fun. But he also liked action. So for the entire trip he thought about ways he could sweeten the game, bring it to the next level.

Once at the ship the crew didn't argue as Pan insisted that Felix and himself needed to board to speak with the captain. He was welcomed like the nobility they assumed he was. Pan was the closest thing to a king they had in Neverland.

"Gentlemen, I require an audience with your captain" he said politely.

A crew member wearing a bright red beanie stepped forward. He looked calm yet defensive as though wary about both boys. Though being broad-shouldered the man was plump and looked like he had seen few too winters. Pan knew that if things came to a fight, this crewman would not be a problem.

"What's your business here, boy?" he asked.

"Thats for me to know and you to find out" Pan was toying with the man. His face turning as red as his beanie, he nodded uneasily before gesturing to the boys to follow him.

Pan and Felix were led below decks and down a short hallway before the man with the red beanie stopped before a wooden door carved with the initials 'K.J'. He knocked on the door twice and, upon a hearing a rough "Come in", opened the door to lead the boys to the Captain's Quarters.

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