chapter one- running in the hall

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third pov

dr.phil arrived outside theTipton hotel as phil called to the paparazzi "hey look at me phil" as they continued to ignore him waiting for beyonce to arrive at the McDonalds across the street. phil walked up to a young boy and said "hi son im doctor phil how are you" the little boy kicked his shins and yelled "you idiot no one likes you go kill yourself". Dr.phil got up and ran inside the tipton hotel with his suitcase running through the lobby tears streaming down his face as the familiar words he was told many times daily "kill yourself" ran through his head. suddently as he ran to his prebooked suite a man,in a grey suit with a unicorn tie stepped out and stopped him saying "raindrop, droptop, running in my lobby must stop-stop" phil looked confused but wiped his tears away thinking "oh lala this man is spicy" phil then put on his seductive face, the face he used when he was trying to get little kids on his show to come 'backstage' with him, if you know what I mean. phil said "oh, hello sorry sir oh I mean... mr. moseby" he said picking up his bag and walking to his suite like a drag queen, one foot infront of thee other when mosbey said "call me Marion, and you are?" phil blushed and said "phil,they call me dr... dr.phil" moseby replyed "sexy you large ham, leave your bag, follow me" phil followed moseby as they reached a room that said "MARION MOSEBY ONLY"  they entered into a theatre full of kids in costumes crying saying "I want my mommy" or "help us" phil laughed as moseby said "these are the kids that I took off the streets and force them to live here besides those two" he said pointing at a pair of twin boys with blonde hair "there names are zack and cody, they live with their mother upstairs, there mother is a professional turtle licker so she Is often gone on business so the boys work for me but get to sleep upstairs" phil laughed he licked the moseby kidnapped and forced kids to work. phil started to say "what if they don't work?" moseby replyed "I sell them to bookstores where they chain them up and make there flesh into paper" "oh fancy" finally the lights dimmed and phil and moseby both felt in love with eachother" anyway moseby forces the kids to put on his favorite play "Hamilton" when it was over moseby said "phil come with me we will escape this place and go live in toejam land my uncle Robert pattison lives there so does my mom and dad, or known as alan rickman and Hillary Clinton, they live there too" phil smield happy to be going with his true love but he said "Marion I will but how are you black but your parents are white?" "oh see my mother is actually black she get her body painted white because she said she wants to stand out in the movie theater since they shut the lights off, I told her many times that's not how skin works, she is not very smart, she just lies when people ask her about her race, then her and my father deny that im there son, they are embarresed that I have turned into a meme, anyway oh PRNDL lets get going" moseby said grabbing phils hand and skipping off (becaue you cant run) through the lobby off the toejam land

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