195 (tag)

74 6 9

i was tagged by septic_trash-sxdemxn who is kinda my favorite person atm and she said i was funny and we're almost birthday twins so woopdedoo let's get on with it

1. Yes
2. No i don't believe niall knows that i exist
3. i'm not gonna do that oneee but it starts with a j
4. hagagagvav that's funny
5. Grace (internet best friend)
6. Up All Night-One Direction
7. 89%
8. Grace and Olivia
9. my dead hamster
10. larry
11. larry


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13. February 12th

idk if i was supposed to this one but i'll do it anyway

Biggest Mistake?
Being friends with a certain person

best moment?
probably when i started homeschooling/ whenever i'm sleeping

best friends?
oliva and grace

i tag
whoever tf wants to do it
CourtneyHartlinson you're bleh
Jalecsbiggestshipper you vote a lot and comment
karebear_517 because i like your comments
Larrys_Fairy because i see you everywhere

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