Chapter ten

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Harry styles

My cool silk sheets drape over my half naked body, waiting for the sleep to kick in so I can stop staring at my ceiling but it never comes. I turn over restlessly on me bed, Its 1:27 in the fuckin' morning and I still can't get to sleep. 

I throw myself up from my bed and I wonder into Vivian room. She's circled up into a perfect little ball and is sleeping peacefully. I feel a sudden urge just to caress her soft skin and to pull her tiny body  into my chest. 

Without a second thought it I slowly climb into her bed next to her trying my best not to wake her up "Harry?" she mumbles through parted lips slightly turning over to face me. 

"Yeah I can't sleep." I admit saying it only above a whisper. She simply just nods her head, one eye opened. I hold open my arms for her "Come here" my voice soft and steady. Without a word she uncurled herself from her ball and placed her head on my bare chest with her arms around my back. I wrapped my hands around her small waist and pulled her closer to me. I felt a sea of comfort wash over my body allowing me to finally fall asleep. 

Vivian Rose

I awake to heaviness on my chest, I peek down on my chest and see a sea of curls. I don't remember Harry coming in here last night but I can't say I don't mind the company. 

"Harry, move your fat head I can't breath!" I groan slightly pushing his head away.

"hmm" he mumbles and moves his head to the crook of my neck, his hot breath on my neck sent a shiver down my spine. I started playing with Harry's messy curls. Harrys olive skin glistened under the light entering my temporary room. I left the sleeping Harry on my bed so I can take a shower.

I let the hot water run over my skin and my mind starts to wander to what Harry told me in the kitchen. I push that thought back into my mind as i finish my shower. I throw on a pair of spankies and a cut out muscle T-shirt. 

I hear a knock at the door as I stroll into the kitchen. One of the boys goes to answer the door "Hello Bells!" Louis cheered. 

"Put some clothes on there's a girl in the house!" Bella warned as Louis runs back half naked to hims room laughing. Liam comes into the room with a twisted smile on his face "Actually there's two girls here." he remarked and watched to see Bella reaction. Bella smile fade and her eyes go wide "NIALL!" she yells and finds him running down the stairs toward her "Hey babe." he says happily smiling at her "Why did Liam tell me there's other girls here? Niall, do you have something to tell me?" Bella says angrily her cheeks slightly red. Nialls face drops "What?"he manages to choke out I try sneaking past them but Niall just points at me making me freeze in place "You mean Vivian?" he asked and I just stand in place looking around awkwardly eating my toast I slightly bring my shoulders up to make me look as small as possible. 

I hear all the boys just burst out laughing "You should have seen the look on your face Bells. It was epic!" Liam says through laughs. Zyan's hunched over with his hands on his knees having a laughing fit. Harry who some how ended up in the living room, had tears in his eyes from laughing so hard "Viv, your reaction was priceless! " he added while mockingly imitating me I started giggling along with them. Bella looked slightly embarrassed but played it off with a smile and Niall was imitating Bella "You assholes! You could have just told me it was Viv instead of freaking me out!" Bella whines and scowls at the boys. "Next time you guys want home cooked Italian food don't ask me!" she threatened "NO!" louis screamed "Punish them but I wasn't apart of this joke!" Louis said causing Bella to look at him smugly. 

Bella comes over to me "I'm sorry about that, these assholes play too many jokes on me so I never know if their serious or not." Bella's grey eyes meeting mine.

"Don't worry about. These five boys have done nothing but drive me crazy since I've been there. " I joke looking at the five boys who where in their own bubble talking about god knows what. 

"What are you doing here anyways?" she questioned.

I paused before answering " Well, to make a long story short. I'm homeless. I have to find a new place." I say as I look at my feet avoiding her stares. 

"You know I actually just moved into a two bedroom condo. I wanted a single room one but they didn't have any so I had to get a two bedroom one. I could always use a room mate?" she persuaded, smiling widely at me. 

I return her smile "Really? That would be amazing actually." I squeal, not able to contain my excitement. I quickly give her a hug, "thank you so much! I have a lot of stuff in storage we can use in the condo!" I release her and she looks just excited as I am. 

"Viv! you just got here. you can't leave yet." Louis whines and pouts at me.

"I'll still be here for a few days! Its going to take me a while to set everything up over there. " I reassure him. I glance over at Harry and he has a small smirk across his face. 

Niall sneaks up behind Bella and wraps his arms around her waist. Bella's face turns a slight pink as Niall nuzzles his head in her neck. She then turns around so shes facing him and wraps her arms around his neck speaking quietly.  

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