Chapter fourteen

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Vivan Rose

The next morning I wake up to a familiar heaviness on my chest. I rub my eyes and glance down at the sea of curls on my chest sleeping soundly. My silk sheets are resting on Harry's lower back exposing his soft tan skin, his long arms out stretched and hung of the bed the other was underneath my back. I untangle myself from him and laid there for a while. Harry started to stir, he moved his head to look at me "Good morning." He said low and raspy with a half smirk on his face. "Good morning sunshine." I reply and return his smile. Harry wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer to him. He nuzzled his head into my neck breathing heavily. I could feel my body heat rising "Maybe we should go back to your house so I can get the rest of my stuff?" I ask hesitantly. Harry remains still for a while than slowly lets go of me and sits up, hes eyes still full of sleep.

His dark tattoos etched on his arms flexes as he stands up and starts pulling his pants up showing his toned stomach as he struggles to pull up his tight pants. "Vivian." he says pulling me back "Your staring." He says in a cocky tone smirking, his dimples making an appearance on his cheeks. 

I peel my eyes off of him and stare at the wall behind me, my cheeks turning pink from embarrassment. Harry lazily throws on his the shirt he had on before and walks over to me.

He cups my chin with his index finger and thumb keeping my head still and he bends down to meet my eyes. 

His perfect emerald eyes piercing into mine, he moves his face closer to him until our lips are only inches apart and his hot breath is fanning my face.

He leans in giving me small but very tender kiss. I hesitated for a second before kissing him back. 

My head is screaming at me but my heart is slowly melting the longer we kiss. 

Harry scoops me up in his strong arms off the bed and onto my feet. I wrap my small arms around his neck and Harry's hands are on my waist pulling me as close as possible to deepen the kiss.  

Harry's hands travel down my body and he pulls away from me slowly opening his eyes. I whimper from the lack of contact but I shake it off quickly.

"Whats wrong?" I dare ask, my voice not coming above a whisper.

"If I didn't force myself to stop I would have wanted more of you." Harry's says lustfully while gripping my hips tightly. 

I remain quite not wanting to say the wrong thing. We both reach for my door "Maybe you should change, or at least put on some actually shorts." Harry remarked with a smirk forms on his perfect lips and close the door behind him.

I roll my eyes and lazily take off my sleep shorts and put on actual shorts. I decide to wear Harry's shirt still because most of my shirts are still at Harry's house. I throw on some white slippers and meet Harry in the living room who's bickering with Bella.

"No we can't come with you guys! We can't leave our jobs." Bella hisses at him. 

"Can't you guys take a vacation?" Harry whines. 

"For half the year? Have you meet our boss? She would fire us for asking! I would love to go with you guys but its not possible right now." Bella sighs and rubs her temples.

Harry frowns and turns to see me standing there "Are you ready to go?" I ask pretending to have not heard him and Bella bickering. 

Harry smiles lightly at me and we both silently walk to his car. Harry politely opens the car door for me and i smile and thank him. 

Our car ride is silent until I hear Harry curse under his breath. I turn to look at him giving him a questionable look.

"Don't freak out but we're being followed by paparazzi." He hisses through gritted teeth. Harry frantically reaches for the glove compartments and pulls out two pairs of sunglasses and hands one to me. 

"Here put these on, and grab the hoodie I have in that back and put it on." He commands and I do what he acts. I pull out a light gray hoodie and throw it on and pull the hoodie up trying to cover my face. 

"I can never get a break." Harry says under his breath while taking a sharp left turn taking the long way to his house. 

We've only lost a few of them but when we arrive at his house there are already paparazzi waiting at his gate with their cameras in hand.  They refused to move aside to let us through. 

"Who's that Harry? Is she your girlfriend? Your always with her!" some of them shout. 

"What about that brunette you where with last week?" they continued, Harry started getting frustrated and honking his horn repeatedly. They finally moved enough to let us through. 

Harry hit the gas making his car jump forward and the gates shut behind him. He turns off the car and leaps out of the car shoving his hand in his very tight pants fishing for his phone. He dials some numbers and starts screaming into the phone. I use my key to unlock the door but Harry remains outside. I push the hood back and let it fall on my back and take off the glasses. 

I can still feel my heart pounding in my chest, I turn to see Harry walk in, he head is hung low and his fits are clenched at his side. 

I walk over to him and grab his face making him look at me, hes eyes are laced with anger and his expression is unreadable.

"Harry," my voice trembled and Harry's face soften and he quickly wrapped me up in his strong arms. I'm engulfed but the light smell of cologne on his shirt and his body relaxes.

"I just don't want your life to be ruined because of me." He mumbles into my hair. I pull away to look at him closely "Harry, I don't want you to feel like your a burden to me. I'm choosing to be in your life and I will take the good and bad with that. " My hands still cupped around his face and his eyes soften making my heart melt and this new vulnerable man standing in front of me.

Harry leans down and softly kisses me on the forehead and I smile at his sweet and loving gesture. 

I hear foot steps behind us then a cough causing me and Harry to both turn to look.

 Liam standing at the bottom of the stairs and his expression remains the same but I can see in his his eyes that he isn't happy. 

A wave of guilt washes over me when I see him, I can see him hiding the hurt expression on his face. 

Liam coldly walks past us to the kitchen and Harry looks at him confused but shakes it off and goes up stairs. I hesitate for a second but walk into the kitchen.

"He doesn't deserve you, and you know that. Harry will never change. " He angrily turns around and places one hand on my check and the other on my hip "You are too good for him." his brown eyes pour in to mine and I'm forced to look away and Liam pulls away from and leaves the kitchen. I'm left speechless once again. 

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