Chapter four

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Vivian Rose

I tossed over on the bed and felt the coolness of the silk sheets. I lazily open my eyes and let them ajust to the light. Who's room am I in? I wince when I get up from the bed. Then all of last night comes flooding back to me. I tiredly stumbled into the bathroom.

Geez,I have a hang over. 

I examine my face and my make up still looks okay. I wipe off the access make up under my eyes and fix my messy bun. 

 I walk out into the kitchen and found Harry making himself a bowl of cereal. He eyes meet mine and he gives me shy smile. I start pouting and walk behind him and rest my head on his back. The vibration from his chuckle makes my head hurt more as i groan in pain. "I'm guessing you have an hang over?" He asked while looking over his shoulder at me. I just nod my head but keep it in place. Harry is wearing just a plan white shirt and some sweat pants. His hair is a bit more curler then usual and its all ruffled and messed up. His voice is still thick with sleep.

His morning voice his beyond sexy. I subconsciously wrap my tiny arms around his torso. I feel him tense up but he relaxes quickly. "I could fall asleep like this." I say after a few minutes. He chuckles and turned around to face me and he slowly rubbed my back soothingly.  I drop my hands from around him and pull myself up onto the counter top. Harry hands me a bowl and I grab the cereal box and pour the cereal into the bowl. Harry leaves me there then returns with some Advil for me. I thanked him and quickly took the pills. "Was I that bad last night? I don't remember much." I asked him. Harry nearly chocked on his cereal and started having a coughing fit. I leaned over and rubbed his back to sooth it. "You where dancing on a table, yeah good thing you don't remember." he teased as he poked my forehead.

 I furrowed my eye brows at him, "Geez, how embarrassing." I say shyly as i look down and my dangling feet. I start shoving cereal in my mouth and Harry keeps eyeing as he eats his slowly.  

Naill come into the kitchen in pair of sweats and a tank top "Good morning!" he exclaimed happily. "Why are you so happy this early in the morning?" Harry asks from the brim of the cereal bowl as he shoveled the rest of the cereal in his mouth. "Me and Bella have a date tonight!" he blue eyes filled with happiness. He walks over and pours himself a cup of orange juice. "You two should come! We can make it a double date! I already have reservations!" Naill begged Harry.

Harry glanced at me then shrugged his shoulders "Well If Vivian not busy later, I don't see why not!" Harry looks at me hopefully eyes. 

 I couldn't help but smile at his cute gesture, "I don't have plans, and I could always go out to eat!" I say as I jump off the table and put my bowl in the sink. I look at the time and its barely just 10 o'clock. Niall explained the plans, the dinner plans where at 6 and he wanted to pick her up at her house so Harry said he would come get me at mine later. 

 Me and Harry decided to watch Friends reruns on the tv as the other boys had breakfast. I was laying on my back and I had my head resting in Harry's lap. He kept trying to mess with my hair and braid it, but he sucked at it and he kept hurting me. "Harry!" I whined as I grabbed his hands. A cute giggle escaping his lips. "What, I'm just trying to play with your hair." he teased me. I sent a death glare and he quickly turned his attention back on the TV. 


After a few hours watching tv with Harry I finally decided to go home and get ready for our double date. It was about 4:30 when I arrive at my house.

I quickly jump in the shower, I let the hot water rinse away the hang over. 

Once I finished, I put my wet hair in a towel as I go to my closet and picked out an outfit. I decided since the weather was slightly chilly, I decided to wear a pair of black knitted leggings. I grab a oversized maroon sweater and I pair it with my faded black combat boots. 

After I set it out I blow dry my hair and curl it at the ends. I apply make up, just the basics. Mascara, eye liner and a little eye shadow. 

When I look at the clock its almost 5. I quickly change into my outfit when I hear the door bell. I nervously walk to the door and open it.

I see a very causal Harry standing in front of me, hes wearing his black jeans with a white v-neck and a blue flannel over it. paired off with his brown boots. The shirt sleeves where rolled up exposing his tattoos on his arms. He smiled at me and pulled me into a tight embrace. I hugged him back, engluffed in the sent of his cologne. "You don't look half bad Styles." I teased as quickly grabed my purse from the couch and closed the door. "You don't look so bad yourself." Harry cooed with a wink that sent a shiver up my spine. But I played if off and nudged him. 

We get inside his car and head to the resturant. Once we arrive we see about two dozen papparazzi their waiting for us. I nervously look at Harry and he gives me a reassuring look before getting out of the car and walking over to my side to open the door for me and he helped me out. Harry must have sensed my tension because he kept me very close to him with one of his hands on my back as he guided me inside. I managed to keep my head down the whole time. "How do you put up with all of this?" my voice sounded very small when we go inside the resterant. "I just got use to it I guess, I hate it though. They are everywhere. Sometimes I just want some privacy," harry admits as he looked down at his feet. 

Naill and Bella are already seated and waiting for us. Niall waved us down when he saw us. "Its like a mad house out there!" he said as we took our seats. Me and Harry both nod "I don't know how you guys can put up with that sometimes, I get anxiety just thinking about it," I saw as I brought my hand up to my still racing heart. 

I looked over and Bella and smiled at her, she looked lovely. Her long light brown hair is down and curled around her face, shes wearing a little black dress that clung onto her body. Her dark makeup made her blue-gray eye stand out even more. 

We quickly ordered our food and made small talk. Niall and Harry where bickering back and forth over something that happened on stage at one of their shows. 

"You where hit with what?"I asked harry through my laughter from his story "Someone threw their shoe at me! Right at my manhood, god, that was the worst!" Harry said as he reenacted the face he made when that happen cause us all to laugh. "And Niall didn't even help me up! They all laughed at me like the jerks they are!" He added and Naill laughed even harder. "It was just too funny! I'm sorry lad." Naill said in between his adorable laugh. Bella had her arm wrapped around Nialls arm and when she laughed she would hide her face into his arm and laugh. He would also look and her a lot when she was sharing on of her stories.

We quickly finished our meals paid for our meals. I tried to pay but Harry insisted he would and he took my wallet from me so he knew i wouldn't be able to pay for anything. 

"Harry! Can I please have my wallet back now?" I whined as I poked at his arm. A cute dimpled smiled appeared on his face. "Fine, seeing how I already paid for everything." He said cockily before handing me my wallet. I furrow my brow and grabbed my wallet from him. "That's Harry for ya! Always being the gentleman."Naill added and Harry gave him a knowing grin. "But that's how real men are suppose to be!" Bella added with a wink and Niall looked over and smiled at her without her noticing. 

They where just so cute, I can't get over how adorable they are. Harry stood up signaling that its time to get going. I stood up and slung my purse over my shoulder.

I glace over and see Naill interlock his hand with Bella's and I saw the slight blush that crept on her cheeks as she stands a little closer to him. The smile on that Irish face is probably the sweetest thing ever. 

I hesitate to leave the restaurant because I know whats waiting for us.Harry sees my hesitation and pulls me in for a comforting embrace. "Don't worry about them, just keep your head down and try not to look at them." Harry cooed in my ear soothing my worries. I gave him a small nod and we all head outside.

as soon as we get outside I just kept my head down avoiding all their questions. Harry put his hand on my back while leading me to his car. Niall and Bella got in his car and speed down the street. Harry opened the door for me and I climbed in, he rushed over the driver side and got in. I could feel that Harry as a bit worked up from the paparazzi so I reached over and squeezed his hand in reassurance. He gave me a wary smile before he started the car and drove away, 

------------- Authors note

sorry it took a while! I've been really busy with school. 

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